Sunday, February 24, 2008

Yanks Lock Up a Legend for Two More Years

There were reports earlier this month that Yankees PA announcer Bob Sheppard was struggling and possibly wouldn't be able to return to Yankee Stadium this season, but thankfully, it now appears "the Voice of God" will be back at The House that Ruth Built.

From Ken Davidoff, with a tip of the cap to River Ave Blues:

Bob Sheppard, the Yankees' venerable public address announcer, recently signed a two-year extension. While he probably won't be ready for Opening Day -- last October's case of pneumonia took a great deal out of him -- Shepherd, believed to be 97, should return about two months into the regular season.

1 comment:

  1. Announcing is one of the vestiges where people stay in the same job for decades. Where else do you see that in today's quick changing world. I bet at some point even announcers will be icons to the point of going "free agent" and moving around where the money and big contracts are.
