Friday, March 21, 2008

Ensberg Added to 40-Man Roster

Kat O'Brien is reporting that Morgan Ensberg has been added to the Yankees 40-man roster and will make $1.75 million this season. Ensberg has no minor league option available, so she feels that this means Ensberg is a "slam dunk to make the team," I agree. So it looks like the bench will be Betemit, Molina, Duncan and Ensberg. (I still think Gardner should make the team)

And here's good news for any Paul O'Neill fans:
Ensberg plans to ask to change from No. 21 because he doesn't think he should take Paul O'Neill's number. He said he didn't ask before because he thought it would be presumptuous to ask for a different number if he wasn't even on the roster. He plans to make Wilson Betemit an offer for No. 14, which was his number in Houston.
“I can’t wear Paul O’Neill’s number,” Ensberg said.

Classy move Morgan.


  1. Great news and I have to admit I respect Ensberg a lot for not taking 21.

  2. Not sure why my account says My site is lol

  3. You already know how happy this makes me greg...

  4. I like Ensberg as a player, I just don't see where he fits on this team.
    This bench is severely lacking speed. It's filled with sluggers and Jose Molina. But this is what the Yankees are going with, so we'll see how it works.

    Brett Gardner SHOULD be on this team, though.

  5. i was talking about him not taking paulies number haha.

    hands down gardner should get the gig

  6. Oh lol, that's right Derek, I forgot about that. Yea I'm happy about that as well.
