Saturday, March 15, 2008

Hank Calls Papelbon a Mouse

After about two weeks of silence from The Quote Machine, Hank Steinbrenner is back and doing what he does best, talking to the media.

First he went after Papelbon because of this quote from the Boston closer: "I don't know if he's trying to stir things up or not," the Bosox closer said. "I sure as hell don't care, because he sure as hell hasn't stepped on a baseball field. He needs to just stick to pencil-pushing, I guess."

From Kevin Kernan:

"Being insulted by Papelbon is like being attacked by a mouse," Steinbrenner told The Post.

"John Henry and I traded a couple of jabs good-naturedly," he added. "So now, all of a sudden, this player, this 20-something kid who really doesn't know his way in the world, comes out with a personal insult. There's no excuse for that."

When was the last time you saw Derek Jeter criticize an owner? Steinbrenner did add that Papelbon "is one great pitcher." And he'd love to have him on his team.

"It was nothing personal against John [Henry], nothing personal against Larry [Lucchino], nothing personal against [Terry] Francona, nothing personal against the team or the fans," Steinbrenner said. "It was just a general comment that is the truth. I respect the Red Sox and their fans, but the Yankees are the most popular team in American sports. Ask Jerry Jones in Dallas, he'll tell you that. That's why they want to do business with us. So it's just a fact."

America's Team and Yankees Universe, that's interesting.

"I really have nothing more to say about the Red Sox the entire season," he said. "We've covered that ground and, basically, I'm tired of talking about them."

He also spoke to the Post about the recent Shelley Duncan - Tampa Bay situation.
"Girardi has his players' back and I have his back and that's never going to change,"
He also implied that the days of Yankees being thrown at without retaliation are over:
"There are going to be problems, especially if they go after our stars," Steinbrenner said. "It's not going to be tolerated. We never have done it to them. It's just not going to happen anymore."

As for the suspensions and fines, Steinbrenner said, "If I got any problems with any of that I'll take care of that with Bud [Selig]."

Steinbrenner said he does not want to interfere in Girardi's handling of such matters.

"All that is up to Joe," Steinbrenner said. "All I can tell you is that I will support everything he does, and that will never change. Because this is the manager I wanted, and that's not anything against Joe Torre. That's the manager we wanted at that time. Times change."

When the Yankees go on their first losing streak let's see how Hank will support everything Girardi does.

Then he took a shot at small market teams:
"I don't want these teams in general to forget who subsidizes a lot of them, and it's the Yankees, the Red Sox, Dodgers, Mets," he said. "I would prefer if teams want to target the Yankees that they at least start giving some of that revenue sharing and luxury tax money back. From an owners point of view, that's my point.

And then said let's move on:

"What happened, happened. Hopefully now it just ends and we get back to playing ball," Steinbrenner said. "I have nothing against the Rays. The Yankees are my team for obvious reasons, but the Rays are my hometown team, I got nothing against them."
That probably enough Hank to last another couple of weeks.

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