Monday, March 3, 2008

Moose Roughed Up in First Spring Outing

Here is his line: 2 IP, 6 H, 5 R, 4 ER, 0 BB, 0 SO, 1 HR ... pretty ugly.

Even though he got hit hard Mussina didn't seem too upset about his performance today. He said he "felt good," but that he's "not in pitching shape," and "wasn't able to get the ball where [he] wanted it with two strikes." Which is something you would expect in the first week or two of spring training, when a pitcher's command isn't quite there yet. He also complained that he doesn't have an out pitch at the moment, which worries me a bit, as that seemed to be his problem for much of last year -- he was unable to put hitters away.

But it is only his first game of the spring so I'm not ready to panic yet. Here's Peter Abraham's take on the matter:
I’m sure the many members if the Yankee Panic Society will proclaim that Mussina is finished. But you can make up a long list of pitchers who looked like bums the first week of March and did fine once the season started. The list of pitchers who looked great the first week of March and proved to be bums is even longer.
If he's still getting shelled after the first few weeks of the regular season then we can all start to worry.

I'll post a game recap shortly.


  1. Hoo boy. Another year of cringing every time Mussina's turn comes up in the rotation.

  2. I hope not. Let's see how he does over his never few starts, and how he does when the real season begins. Thankfully the Yankees have some depth in the starting rotation, though, I wouldn't mind if they signed one of the remaining FA pitchers as an insurance policy.

  3. Let's see how he does over his never few starts...

    That's fine, but I hope Joe G has a faster hook than Joe T.

  4. I wouldn't mind if they signed one of the remaining FA pitchers as an insurance policy...

    Good idea. Who though?

  5. Kyle Lohse maybe, he could be decent.

    They could wait till June and sign Freddy Garcia.

    I don't think anybody available is going to be THAT effective, but like I said, they would just be an insurance policy.
