Sunday, March 2, 2008

Papelbon Rips Hank

Though this has nothing to do with this story I felt like posting it.
It's Papelbon at a recent charity dance-off the Red Sox held. Nice shirt idiot.

From Don Amore:
"I don't know if he's trying to stir things up or not," he said. "I sure as hell don't care, because he sure as hell hasn't stepped foot on a baseball field. He needs to just stick to pencil-pushing, I guess. It's different if a player says that because they're the ones stepping between the war lines. Whatever, man. I'm not going to lose sleep over it, that's for sure. He's just trying to come up with something."
You just keep letting A-Rod knock you all over the yard, OK there Paps?

Mr. October had a much different take on the situation:

"I loved it," said Reggie Jackson, as familiar as anyone with the Steinbrenner way of manufacturing pinstripe hype. "He's a Steinbrenner. Hank's not hurting anybody there. He's not putting the Red Sox down. He's just making some braggadocio comments about the Yankees. That's putting some fun in the game, some enthusiasm."


  1. Is that a real picture of Papelbon? Wow, nice blouse Madame!! Looks like the Queer Eye guys dressed him!

  2. I don't know where you found that article but not even me, who's a search for article freak on the Yankees, couldn't find it. Great find. I put it on my site and gave you credit for it.


  3. Thanks man, it kinda fell into my lap. Someone posted it on one of the many message boards I'm a member of.

  4. Hello retards...

    "Nice shirt idiot."

    Looks good with a World Series ring. Oops, sorry. You guys haven't won one in a while, so you probably forgot what they look like.

    I know, this is where you tell me about how many the Yankees have. But tell me, how many have they won in that last, I don't know, 8-9 years?

    The past is the past. Win it now or STFU.

    Have a nice day dummies.

    PS Tell Hank Steinbrenner to shut up too. He has the nerve to rip Torre? Torre is a class act, and Hank is a douchebag.

  5. thetypeman,

    would you wear that shirt?

    Also you asked how many championships the Yankees have won over the last 8 or 9 years. Well over the last 9 seasons, they've won 2, and won 4 AL titles. The Sox have won 2 of each in the last 9 years. So over the last 9 seasons the Yankees have actually done better than you Sawx. Your question would have made more sense had you said 6 or 7 years -- Learn how to count.

  6. the last time the yank-mes won the World Series was 1999...hmmm..was that 8 or nine years ago....YOU LEARN HOW TO COUNT RETARD!!

    BTW, I wouldn't wear that got me there

  7. I stand corrected 2000. 8 years (7 1/2)
