Friday, April 25, 2008

Coney Discusses Kennedy and Hughes

From the New York Post:
Former Yankee hurler and current YES analyst David Cone said he believes the key for the soft-tossing Kennedy is throwing first-pitch strikes.

"He is falling behind consistently and finding himself in a lot of hitters' counts," Cone said. "That's kind of a recipe for a disaster if you are not a power pitcher - a pitcher that cannot make a hitter swing and miss."

The struggles of Kennedy and Hughes were emphasized earlier this week when Hank Steinbrenner insisted the Yankees' best young gun, Joba Chamberlain, be moved from the bullpen to the rotation. ...

"It's a real welcome-to-New York moment for the pitchers," Cone said.

"That's why it is different playing with the Yankees than anybody else. With Hank taking over, I think people are all trying to get a feel of what the chain of command is going to be."

"It is probably too soon to panic, but at the same time you don't want to see these young pitchers go backwards," Cone said. "That's the dilemma.

"If you can't get out of the third inning and you're hurting the team and your emotional development, then possibly an adjustment may need to be made."
Cone's basically just stating the obvious here, but I think it would be good for Hughes and Kennedy to sit down with Cone. He seems like the type of guy who could really help them with his pitching wisdom.

Speaking of which, is anybody else enjoying Cone and Paul O'Neill in the booth as much as I am? Between their Yankees Dynasty stories and the occasion curse word, they're really make the games fun to listen to. And they actually seem to get Michael Kay to shut up every now and then, which is always good.


  1. Coney and Paulie are great. But no one shuts up Michael Kay like Al Leiter, Ill dvr those games even if im watching them, just to go back and hear Al jab Kay for over-dramtizing everything. He puts on that "what are you TALKING about?!" voice with him all the time. Pure comedy.

  2. hahahaha that's true, I forgot about Leiter.
