Saturday, April 19, 2008

Molina Returns, Posada To Play First

From George King (hat tip to

Jorge Posada was slated to play first base against lefty Brian Burres instead of the slumping Jason Giambi.

As for Posada at first it was the 19th game (13th start) he played in his career. Posada last started a game there on June 19 at Colorado.

Posada has been bothered by what has been diagnosed as a strained right shoulder. Outside of an inning last Sunday night in Boston when he was forced into the game because Jose Molina went out with a hamstring injury, Posada hasn't caught since April 8.

Molina is expected to make his first start since Sunday.

Very interesting, if he can play a good first base, I'd play him there at least half the time, allowing Molina who is much better behind the plate to catch. This will also help protect Posada's shoulder which is obviously still a problem for him. Then again, anything that keeps Jason Giambi out of the lineup makes me happy.


  1. In other news, The Yankees don't have a backup outfielder! With Matsui DHing, we would have to hit the pitcher if one of our outfielders gets hurt during the game.

  2. I cringe every time Giambi comes to bat. Great blog by the way. Go Yanks.

  3. Finally giving Ensberg a shot over Giambi. I'm sure he will come around eventually but he needs to be benched for a while and hit the cages, tees, video room or something. I was beginning to worry we had another "Loyal to our unproductive veterans" manager.

  4. Bill,

    Thanks, I'm glad you like the blog. Giambi makes me cringe as well.

    By the way I checked out your blog, it's pretty cool. Nice pics of some really great musicians. And thanks for putting my link on there.


    At least Ensberg got a hit tonight, which is more than can be said for what Giambi has recently done.

    I don't know what it's going to take for Giambi to start hitting again.

    And I'm not sure if we can rule out Girardi as being another "Loyal to our unproductive veterans" manager just yet.


    Bobby Abreu was the extra outfielder.

  5. Anonymous, Shelley Duncan should also get called back up sometime soon, and he will be another extra outfielder.

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