Thursday, May 8, 2008

Will Mike and the Mad Dog Please Shut Up

I don't listen to them anymore because quite frankly, they give me a headache. But apparently they were getting on Joba's case for today's fist pump, and not only that, but they also for having the towel over his head and pulling his hair out on Tuesday after he gave up that HR to Dellucci, saying he should just “stare out on the field.”

Are these two guys serious? Have they even played a sport in their lives? Don't they understand how emotional sports can get? You would hope that with several decades working in the industry, they would understand these things by now.

Like I said, I don't listen to them, so I didn't hear what they had to say today, but Peter Abraham posting about it, and bravo to him for defending Joba. Here is some of what he had to say:
I’ve never understood why hockey, basketball and football players are expected to show emotion and baseball players can’t. Tiger Woods pumps his fist and everybody loves it. Joba does it and he’s a bad guy.

Joba is a good kid and he acts the same way in the clubhouse as he does on the field. He’s brash, loud, confident and it’s genuine. He’s not acting on the mound; the emotion is who he is. Take that away and he’s not in the majors.

Mike and Chris are entertaining radio. But cut the kid a break.

As usual Peter is right on the money, the only thing he said which I do not agree with is that "Mike and Chris are entertaining." He also said they "do a great job," which I also disagree with. Honestly, I'd rather listen to a baby crying than to these two fools.

UPDATE: I'd like to add David Dellucci to the list of people who need to shut the **** up.

Here are his post game comments about Joba's fist pump:
"It is what it is. If he wants to yell and scream after a strikeout, I guess that's what gets him going," he said. "It's May baseball. The home run was in a much bigger situation. I didn't dance and scream. If a hitter did something like that, it would be bush. It's kind of interesting how a pitcher gets away with it," he said.
Hey Dave, take the high road like Frank Thomas - who happens to be 10 times the player you are - did. He wasn't trying to show you up, he's an excited 22 year old. Get over it.

Next time you face him I hope Joba puts one in your ear hole. Oh, and hitters do that stuff all the time. There might be 10-20 players in the entire league that don't admire their home runs.

Just to close this one out, here are Girardi's post game comments about the fist pump:
"That's who he is. He's not showing anyone up. He's going to show emotion," Girardi said. "He didn't look at Dellucci. He looked into our dugout."


  1. Yeah I can't stand Cris Russo. Mike is not as bad only because he's a Yankee fan, other than that he's terrible too. The YES network should put the Michael Kay show on or something else.

  2. I almost think Mike is worse because he pretends to be a Yankees fan, and then goes and bashes everything they do.

    Yea, I listen to the Michael Kay show almost every day. It's so much better than Mike and the Mad Dog.

  3. I can't stand Mike Francesa b/c he thinks he knows everything...he's always right and is never wrong...that burns

    a lot of the times those guys have no idea what they are talking can you have a sports talk show, when the hosts are clueless...

  4. hey Delucci he schooled your ass thats why he celebrated like that. you got lucky the other night, yankee stadium homerun. and plus the more he screames that the more respect he had for you as a hitter. when he strikes out big time hitters he goes nuts. when he strikes out wimpy 9 hole hitters he only does a fist pump. so Delucci, how he reacted should be a compliment.

  5. i guess its ok for cc sabathia to pump his fist like he did the last time he pitched against the yankees.

  6. good one bill...i forgot about that...

  7. What is the pitchers' equivalent to a batter watching a home run ball?

    I posted on my blog about this last month when Mike and the Mutt got on his fist pump.

    Check it out:

  8. Yea Bill, C.C. cursed him way to the dugout and they didn't say a word. Now I don't have a problem with what Sabathia did, he was fired up, it was a 1-0 game and he was trying to pump his team up. But these two are such obviously hypocrites, I can't understand why anyone listens to them.


    You're right about Mike being clueless. Last year he didn't even know who Joba was till about 2-3 weeks before he was called up, yet he acts as if he's some expert on everything Yankee related.

  9. Mike,

    I just read your blog post, and you were absolutely right. The way batters stand and watch their homers, it's only fair that pitchers are allowed to show emotion when they succeed. It's the way the game is right now, so everybody needs to get over it.

    By the way, that's one sweet car.

  10. I won that car from WFAN and.....(gulp).....Mike and the Mad Dog.

  11. Mike and Dog are a joke during baseball season. When they used to have Torre on they would bash him all week and then fawn over him once he was on the radio. Mike is good during football season, but Dog is a whiner that constantly discusses his man crush on Roger Federer/Rafael Nadal. Enough with how great your seats are at whatever sporting event/concert that you get into for free. Michael Kay, and Max Kellerman are 1000 times more informed on baseball and they back up their arguments with statistical analysis. Oh by the way Mike and Dog-nice job hanging Imus out to dry last year.....JOBA RULES, get a clue fellas!!

  12. I think is says a lot about the man Torre is that he would put up with them the way he did.

    And I'll give Mike that, he does know football.

  13. Yes, I'm serious...check your email.

  14. I happened to catch some of these guys after the postgame show today. They are idiots. It's beyond unbelievable how clueless they are about baseball.

    Did anyone see CC Sabathia against the Yankees in Cleveland? He celebrated for 39234 hours on his way off the mound, including looking purposefully in the direction of A-Rod whom he had just struck out to end the inning.

    But anyway, I get the feeling that these two bozos don't ever watch an actual live game of baseball, at least not an entire game. They get all their information from highlights, and it's clear that the last baseball they ever watched was probably 1978.

    I don't get it. Pedro Martinez would stare down a guy after he K'd them. Manny Ramirez stands at home plate and admires his home runs for 20 minutes. Joba pumps his fist in no particular direction and it's not ok? The kid is a very energetic, competitive 22 year old. Unless he's pulling a Pedro and staring down the guy he just struck out or doing a bunch of CC Sabathia hijinks on the mound, let the guy emote a litte bit.


  15. Anonymous,

    The difference between CC and Manny is that they are NOT YANKEES.

    In Russo's demented eyes,if a Yankee does that he is a criminal.

    It's ok, though, if his butt buddy Barroid Bonds watches his home runs fly away for a minute before taking a leisurely stroll around the bases.

    I posted on my blog about this last month when Mike and the Mutt got on his fist pump.

    Check it out:

  16. So asinine... Im not even gonna bother here, Greg.

    Remember what I said about Canseco, if you just ignore it, it goes away. Havent heard anything about Jose since... see?

    Sensationalization in the media of matters inhibiting success needs to stop. Im gonna start a foundation....
