Friday, June 20, 2008

Swtich-Hitter vs. Switch-Pitcher

This is the incident from last night's SI Yankees game with Yankees' recently drafted "switch-pitcher" Pat Venditte on the mound and Brooklyn Cycones switch-hitter Ralph Henriquez at the plate. (hat tip to River Ave. Blues)


  1. Great video, hope he makes it to the "big show" for the Yanks.

  2. Maybe he can convince Johnny Damon that hes really a righty and thats why he throws like a girl.

  3. In case anyone wondered, there is a rule about this. From the Professional Baseball Umpire Corporation Manual (an appendix to the rules whose rulings are the minor leagues' approved rulings): In the rare occasion of an ambidexterous pitcher, the pitcher and batter may change positions one time per at-bat.

  4. Second pitch was borderline.

  5. He should leave his glove off and just hold the ball behind his back with both hands, let the batter get into position, and throw however he wants. The batter won't know which way the ball is coming from, which I think more than negates the lack of fielding glove on the hand of the pitcher... maybe?
