Thursday, July 17, 2008

Final Regular Season Game at Yankee Stadium to be Played at Night

Yankee Stadium's regular-season finale will be a night game. The Yankees' Sept. 21 game against the Baltimore Orioles has been scheduled for 8:05 p.m. and will be televised nationally by ESPN or ESPN2 as part of the Sunday night package. If New York fails to qualify for the postseason, it will be the last game at the Yankees' longtime home.
I'm not really bothered by this, although a Sunday afternoon game would have been a nice send off. But clearly it is bothering some. Steve Lombardi from wants us to protest. Ben K. from River Ave. Blues is "a little disappointed."

Like I said, this doesn't matter that much to me, I'm just upset The Stadium is closing. But what about you, should this game be played at night, or during the day?


  1. as long as i am there and i will be there I really don't give a rats ass what time it is. i'll still be crying like the little bitch that i am if that is the last game or game 7 of the world series is the last game.

  2. That's pretty much how I'm looking at it as well. The only thing is I don't have a ticket yet.

  3. yeah that game and opening day is the main reason i switched from the saturday plan to the sunday plan, and then my designated driver got the 46 game plan on top of that this year to ensure that we can buy a full strip for the postseason. i would have shit a brick and then died if i missed the last game so i guess i'm covered now. just curious as a mo-fo to see what i get offered for the new stadium. I've had a plan since 2003 so i should be safe to at least have the option to buy nosebleeds i figure, but you never know.

  4. Yo Godriguez, I know this is a random question, but besides EBAY, do you have any idea where I can get a ticket stub from this year's ASG? I was there, but the idiot I bought the tickets from (someone who sells on Stubhub)got the tickets fast tickets, so I got stuck with the stupid print out. I'm dying to get my hands on a real stub, you know the blue one with the pictures of the stadium and the city on it. I posted a picture of the ticket about a month ago.

  5. i know what you mean but i ended up with the stupid white ticketmaster one. i wish i had one too. there were cats outside the stadium buying used stubs for 5 bucks each obviously on the same quest as you. i wish i could help you but i cant.

  6. Oh alright, no problem.

    Yea saw those guys too. In hindsight I should have probably done that too.

  7. Hi,
    My name is Sarah and I am in need of some help. I am a die hard Yankees fan and thankfully have tickets to the final game on the 21. I am also engaged and want more than anything to have a justice of the peace marry us in our seats before the game. My problem is finding someone who has a ticket to the game, is also a J.O.P., and would be willing to perform the very short ceremony at our seats ceremony. I know this is a long shot, but figured it was worth a shot. Thanks in advance for any help or ideas on how to locate such a person.

  8. I wish I could help you, but I have no idea how to find a J.O.P. who is also going to the game.

    Good luck with finding someone to help you out, and good luck with your upcoming marriage.

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