Sunday, October 19, 2008

Joba Arrested on DUI Charge

From the NY Daily News:

Yankees pitcher Joba Chamberlain was arrested early Saturday morning in Nebraska for driving under the influence of alcohol, the state patrol said.

The 23-year-old starter - with a wholesome reputation - was driving southbound on Highway 77 in Lincoln, Neb., his hometown, at 1 a.m. when a trooper pulled over his dark-colored 2006 BMW for speeding, said Deb Collins, a spokeswoman for the Nebraska State Patrol.

The trooper detected the smell of alcohol on the Yankee's breath and saw an open container of alcohol on the front passenger's seat. Chamberlain was given a preliminary Breathalyzer test on the scene and was then taken to the Cornhusker Place, an emergency detox center in Lincoln, where the area's drunken drivers spend the night.

He was given another Breathalyzer test there, but the results were unavailable Saturday night, Collins said.

Chamberlain was "lodged" on charges of driving while under the influence, having an open container in his car and speeding. He will most likely be arraigned tomorrow, Collins said.

The team, as well as his father Harlan had no comment, but I do:

Way to go idiot. This is just what the Yankees needed right now - some idiot kid getting into trouble because he can't handle his booze. Get your head together Joba. You're a Yankee now, ACT LIKE IT.

I guess we're all just lucky he didn't kill anybody.


  1. He screwed up. People are allowed to make mistakes. Let's move on.

  2. dumb move. he could have just ruined his life; and put the yankees organization in a tough spot. we're relying on him heavily.

  3. Mateo,

    I agree that we should move on from this, but Joba is showing a real lack of judgment. It's disappointing. It could have been a lot worse, he could have hurt himself or someone else.

  4. I agree Greg. But he's young and bad judgement often comes with youth. The real test is will he learn from it. Unless I see a pattern, I like to give people the benefit of the doubt.

  5. "The real test is will he learn from it."

    Very true.

  6. If you watched that 90 minute interview show with Michael Kay and Joba (I forget the name) on YES earlier this year, you'll see that Joba had to grow up and mature quickly. In many ways Joba is very mature, and in other ways, based on my observations, he's still just a kid.

    What he did here was a typical stupid kid move. Joba probably grew up with fairly strict rules, and now that he's become a major leaguer, I don't want to say it's gone to his head, but you get a sense of invincibility that comes with "freedom." Joba wasn't smart enough to keep himself in check.

    I'm fairly certain that he will learn from this, and I'm betting he knows it was a huge mistake. Harlan should lay the smack down.

    Please get your act together Joba, we don't need this garbage as a distraction, let alone the way more important issue that you could have killed yourself or someone else. Sheesh.

  7. i make about 1/10th of what joba makes per year and i never find myself in a situation where i cant find a ride home or afford a cab. all his endorsements and charitys should be rescinded.

    welcome to the ranks of yankees such as steve howe and dwight gooden, Joba.

  8. As I said in the other post, and here we go....

