Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Yankee Stadium Tours to Continue

From the NY Post:

Just when you thought Yankee Stadium was closed forever, fans will have another chance, starting today, to tour the House That Ruth Built, The Post has learned.

The Yankees have decided to extend tours of the famed ballpark until the end of the year, officials said yesterday.

The team held its last tour on Sept. 19, but the decision to resume came after hundreds of fans called and sent e-mails begging for one last chance to say goodbye to the Stadium before it's demolished next year, officials said.

Tickets cost $20 for adults and $15 for children 14 and under.

For more information on Stadium tours, fans can call (718) 293-4300.
For some stupid reason I've never taken a tour of The Stadium, and I was disappointed when I found out a few weeks ago that they had stopped on the 19th. Now that they've restarted them I think have to go.


  1. Yep, I'm going to take one in December!


  2. just scored tour tickets for sunday @ 1PM. not sure how it all worked out because i had been trying since monday to get them and all of a sudden it worked. go figure

  3. Where'd you get the tixx Godriguez? Ticketmaster?

  4. yeah i just tried again this afternoon and got through. one of my friends tried right after i got them and had no luck. looks to me like some greedy bastard bought a bunch and is trying to make some money.|39%3A1|66%3A2|65%3A12|240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14
