Monday, November 24, 2008

11/24 New Stadium Photo Update

The first two shots were taken by Flickr member Ron Greco, and the rest were taken by Flickr member pro23nyc.

(click to enlarge)

For the main updates page click here.


  1. Looks good............good.

  2. Another awesome set of photos.

    Nice job, when are you raffling off a tour of the new stadium lol

  3. I wish I could take a tour myself.

  4. I wounder how Bob Sheppard feels moving into a new stadium. He's works at Yankee Stadium for a long time.

  5. From an interview I read of his he basically said it's bitter sweet. He's happy they're getting a new stadium, but he's going to miss the old one. I'm sure the same emotions a lot of us are feeling.

  6. I posted this in the stadium videos thread, but I thought it might get buried, so I'm reposting it here...

    Here are some pictures from the stadium updates page to sort of illustrate what I mean (with regard to the upper deck being further away). Desipte the upper deck being pushed back, there's still something very imposing about the upper deck plus the frieze... I don't even think the old stadium looked this "looming":

    (right click and open in new window for best results)
    pic 1 - view from on the field near the Yankee dugout

    pic 2 - view from near the end of the Yankee dugout

    pic 3 - looking up from behind home plate

    pic 4 - view from visitor's dugout

  7. You have a valid point Pinstripes, I guess we all won't know for sure until we actually sit there and see it for ourselves. I hope it ends up being great.
