Friday, November 7, 2008

Girardi: Moose Wants To Retire

This bit of news comes out of the Joe Torre Safe At Home Foundation Gala that was held in Manhattan tonight.

From Peter Abraham:
Joe Girardi revealed for the first time that Mike Mussina told him after the season that he planned to retire. He has not heard from Moose since.
Earlier in the week Buster Olney said,
Some of Mike Mussina's friends believe that the longer it takes him to make a decision on whether to come back, the more likely it is that he will pitch in 2009.
So I guess we'll just see what happens.

Abraham also mentioned that Andy Pettitte said that he would sign for just one year, and only wants to play for the Yankees. So those reports about him wanting a two-year deal and possibly signing with Texas were false.


  1. Just make sure that Moose will get free ice cream, doughnuts and candy for life in the club house and he'll be back.

  2. I for one do not believe a word that comes out of Girardi's mouth. Not after the nonsense with Posoda's injury and his phobia of telling the truth to the media then.

  3. I can't blame you for feeling that way Danny. He's done nothing as Yankees manager to gain the trust of anyone.

  4. I gotta tell ya, I really think sometimes Abraham delights in twisting the knife in the gut of Yankees fans. He seems to be the only source that's continually "sure" that Moose is going to retire.

    Not that I think Moose will come back, but Abraham isn't... nice about it, nor is he very open minded.

  5. Greg. I don't understand why he says things about players that are the equivalent of throwing his players under the bus, without their consent. Pinstripes you forgot the gleefulness that is Mike Lupica's weekly shit fest on the Yankees.
