Sunday, November 23, 2008

Four Videos Of The New Stadium

These were posted yesterday on Youtube by sodapop142. The first video is from the club level, the second is from the field, and third shows the Yankees locker room. You can also go to Youtube and watch the high quality versions of the video's.

UPDATE: I added a fourth video from the same Youtube user. This one was taken from the food court in centerfield.


  1. They are great videos, thanks for posting them.

  2. damn the grandstand looks pretty far away from the field. if your seats aren't in the infield you may as well be in Siberia.

  3. That was one of my main concerns about this place - the bowl seating. The fans in the upper deck and loge will no longer feel as if they're hanging over the field, and will be a mile away.

  4. it does look similar to the seating layout in Seattle, and those may look far away, but they really aren't too bad. only time will tell. i just hope i don't get screwed as far as seat relocation goes. should be hearing from them by the second week of December. so far i have only heard from 2 people with season tix, one got exactly what he had hoped for and the other one got screwed beyond belief

  5. While the bottom of the upper deck won't be as "over the top" as the old one, the new upper deck doesn't have the steep rake, obstructed sight lines, cramped seats, and vertigo-like view. It's very comparable to many of the modern stadiums, and having seen games from the upper deck at Coors Field, Petco Park, and Angels Stadium, I've never had a problem with the distance from the field. They all had great views, and never once did I think "man, I felt so much closer at YS's upper deck." On the contrary, it was a more comfortable experience.

    If you look at approximately 15-20 seconds into video #3, you can see how close the upper deck really is. Some of the fish-eye or wide-angle shots can be very deceptive as to how far the upper deck is pushed back. While you're not going to feel as "on top" of everything as you did at old YS, the benefits outweight that negative. Also, there's much less foul territory directly behind home plate, bringing everything quite a bit closer back there, and the LF bleachers are now a reasonable distance away.

  6. Sorry, I meant video #2, not 3.

  7. Here are some pictures from the stadium updates page to sort of illustrate what I mean. Desipte the upper deck being pushed back, there's still something very imposing about the upper deck plus the frieze... I don't even think the old stadium looked this "looming":

    pic 1 - view from on the field near the Yankee dugout

    pic 2 - view from near the end of the Yankee dugout

    pic 3 - looking up from behind home plate

    pic 4 - view from visitor's dugout

  8. You have a valid point Pinstripes, I guess we all won't know for sure until we actually sit there and see it for ourselves. I hope it ends up being great.
