Thursday, November 27, 2008

Yanks May Be Willing To Up The Ante For CC

Contrary to yesterday's report where Ken Davidoff said that the Yankees are reluctant to raise their record-setting $140 MM offer to Sabathia even if that means he signs somewhere else, today he reports that things may have changed:
If the Angels do deliver a competitive offer to CC Sabathia, the Yankees must decide whether to raise their own bid for him. They are debating that issue internally, but the majority of their decision-makers support the idea of going higher for the coveted lefthander, a person familiar with the situation said yesterday.
Maybe the Angels are more serious about signing Sabathia than the Yankees had thought, and they may feel the only chance they have to sign him is by raising their offer. Davidoff speculates something about $150 for six years.

I'd expect things to really start to heat up after Thanksgiving with CC. Next week could be a very busy week.


  1. I think that the Angles are going to make the Yankees offer so much money that the yankees wouldn't sign Tex.

  2. I hope that this is the highest that they would go for CC. They don't want to get too crazy. After all, the yanks have other players to worry about.

  3. if the angels play games with us, i fully expect cashman to bluff with texiera to bump their price up

  4. Cashman wouldn't do that because he also wants to get Tex.

  5. I agree with Liam on all counts. Of course, my faith in Cashman.... Oh, never mind.


  6. The Yanks at this point deserve this shit. This is what you get when you bid against yourselves when the closest bid was 40 million less. This is the same nonsense that saddle us with Giambi's contract when the A's were the only other players and they offered only 85 million and the Yanks decided to bid against themselve to the tune of an extra 30 something million and landed a fantastic over priced DH by year three of his contract, that they continued to parade as a first baseman for another 4 years because there was no market to unload him. Just consult a magic 8 ball and see the results for when the Yanks try to test the trade market for a fat ineffective, over paid by 40-50 million 31 year old picther in three years.

  7. I agree with you Dan.

  8. Well, I'm sad to say you guys might be right. Of course, in my mind the common denominator in all of this is...wait for it...Cashman.

