Friday, December 5, 2008

12/5 New Stadium Photo Update

Pretty large update here - 60 photos.

Most of the photos are of the interior of the stadium.

These come from member Applenut.

New monument park and the centerfield restaurant
I believe this is the visitor's bullpenYankees Clubhouse
Visitor's Clubhouse
I assume this is the press room
Indoor batting cages
One of the many lounges
The Great Hall
Another restaurant/loungeGrandstand Concourse(click to enlarge)

Applenut has a total of 219 photos that can be seen here. I picked the ones that I felt were the best. Or at least photos that showed us something new. I'd also suggest checking out Applenut's gallery to see all the pics.

For the main updates page click here.


  1. Is 2/17/09 when construction finshes?

    P.S. I see they've put up the Iron Horse!

  2. Greg, do you know how you can take the tour? There's nothing on, and I've searched on Google a million times!

  3. Yes that's when the finish the construction. Or at least that's when they're planning to finish.

    And no I have no idea how to take a tour. I think you have to know someone either with the Yankees or the construction company.

  4. Very nice as always.

  5. I have to be honest, and I am a HUGE Yankee fan. But this new Stadium looks like a hospital.. with all the white. Its boring.

    I look at Citi field, and it looks better design wise. Trust me, I hate saying it. Is it me, or are the wrong people running the Yankees?

    Look at the Yes network. Its stale.. has no energy. The hot stove is the most boring hour on Tv. This new stadium show's they tried to hard to make it look like the old, and it has no character. The old stadium, and I mean the old one, not the 70ies version had character. I don't know, maybe its me, but when I was day dreaming about a new stadium all these years, it was supposed to be special. The model for all ball parks. Can any one deny that Camden is still better, or the ball park in San Fran.

    They sold out design and character for more seats. That's just my opinion. sorry to pee in everyone's cheerios.

  6. Dude... "all the white"... it's not finished. They haven't put up any of the ads, signs, banners, paint, etc. The LED screens that are all over the park aren't on.. it's not done. There aren't even pads on the walls yet. Wait till it's DONE before you say it's "all white".

  7. "They sold out design and character for more seats."

    There's less seats.

  8. No, I mean more seats than any other ball park. Inside the park its boring. I look at Citi field, it had personality. already. Camden yards.. same.

    The metal.. the skeleton of the stadium is white. its looks like a hospital.

  9. I think it looks great inside and out.


  10. i'm not thrilled with it either, at least not yet. i really don't like how the upper decks are recessed, as opposed to the way it is in the old stadium. not only did it allow you to be right on top of the field if you were sitting up there, but gave an intimate, almost cavernous feel, which was pretty unique. the way the different levels are situated now kind of looks... "new-comiskey-esque". and now, those upper level seats are a mile away from the field. i don't know, it just seems to me that there was too much focus on comfort and amenities and not enough on building a cool "baseball stadium park". but then again, the yankees are being run more and more like a business as opposed to a baseball team, so what else should we expect. oh well, all that said, i am interested (not so excited) in the new park.

  11. Does anyone else notice that it looks like the Grandstand concourse is exposed to the elements? Or am I just not seeing it right...?

    The upper deck concourse at the old stadium was enclosed...

  12. It looks covered on top, but there is an opening on the side so yes it does look open to the elements.
