Friday, January 9, 2009

Hey Carl, Shut Up!

From Anthony Castrovince:
Carl Pavano's four seasons with the Yankees were painful enough on the physical front.

But when speaking to reporters Friday about his decision to sign with the Indians, Pavano made them sound painful on the emotional front, as well.

"When you're down, you expect your organization to pick you up, not kick you when you're down," Pavano said. "I've had to pick myself up quite a few times the last four years."

Wow, what a tool.

I'm so glad they're done with this mistake. So glad.


  1. Poor Indians fans. A tool is right.

  2. I hope he comes to the Stadium opening week and shuts out the Yankees. While I'm no Carl Pavano fan, I do think he was treated poorly by Yankee bloggers. He wasn't a bad pitcher, when he was healthy; and the great majority of the injuries were legitimate. Nobody chooses to injure their shoulder (05), Their buttocks (06), or their elbow needing TJ surgery. The car accident cost him 2 monthes at most.

  3. well, i hope he comes to Yankee Stadium and gets shelled... not because I hate him but because I want the Yankees to win.

    with that said, he didnt earn his stripes and didnt live up to the contract he was given. the times he did pitch he wasnt great, but ok. i understand that injuries played a huge role in his time here, but sometimes it seemed he didnt want to pitch, and he almost wanted to be on the DL. i will be upset if all of a sudden he has no injury problems with the Indians, and wins 18 games.

    these commoents are unneccessary, he just wants people to feel bad for him. our organization always had his back, we even let him come up at the end of the season and start some games,( which did help him get this contract with the Indians). i think the players and fans got sick of all the freak injuries he had, and we got tired of him letting us down, and at times his excuses. he just should have never signed here.

  4. When you miss games because of a "bruised buttocks" you give up any right you had to complain.

  5. The Yankees didn't have his back?? How about a $40 million dollar paycheck 'backing' you up!!!

    Give me a break!! Nice move Carl - I'm sure you'll recieve a standing 'O' when you return to the Stadium this year.

  6. Anyone who wants to put this schmuck where he belongs, I'll bail you out of jail. I'd do it but I don't live in NYC.

  7. I think American Idol auditions go through Cleveland so when Carl "American Idol" Pavano hurts himself this spring, he will still have something to do.

  8. He will be injured before he comes to the stadium.

  9. I'm not a Yankee fan, I'm an O's fan but I like this blog a lot so if I am wrong here, please correct me.

    Pavano lost all credibility and trust when he neglected to tell the Yankees about his little car accident. Why the hell should an organization "back you up" if the player doesn't come clean about that accident.

    The O's have made some dumb moves in the past regarding FA's but I'm so glad this bozo won't be getting lit up next year in an Oriole uniform.

  10. Nah, you're right....

    Become a Yankee fan.
