Friday, January 23, 2009

Moving Day For Yanks

The Yankees began their move into the new stadium today. Here's some more from Peter Abraham:

The Yankees rented 1,500 plastic crates for the move. Hanover Moving and Storage of Jersey City, N.J., will use four trucks to shuttle those crates across the street to the new $1.3 billion Yankee Stadium. The alternative was purchasing 3,000 cardboard boxes, which would have to be disposed of later.

The ticket office and mailroom will remain in operation at the old Yankee Stadium until Feb. 27, when the second phase of the move will be conducted.

[Doug] Behar said his goal would be for team employees to be able to use their new offices as early as tomorrow morning. Team employees have been packing up their offices for several weeks. From files to World Series trophies and other mementos, everything will make the trip.

However, no baseball equipment will be moved today. Visiting clubhouse manager Lou Cucuzza Jr. said that nearly all of it goes with the team to its spring-training home in Tampa, Fla.

And here's a couple pictures of some of the trophies, including two World Series trophies, being moved.

(Both pics from Mary Altaffer of the AP)

(This pic is from Peter Abraham's blog)

1 comment:

  1. I hate goodbyes. But seriously, they really needed a moving truck?
