Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Torre Discusses The Fallout From Book

Jack Curry of the NY Times sat down with Joe Torre for his first interview since all this news of the book. Here's some of what Torre had to say...

First about the implication that he felt betrayed by Brian Cashman:

“I heard the word betrayed and I knew that it wasn’t part of the actual book,” Torre said in a telephone interview from Hawaii on Tuesday morning. “I can tell you this much: I know there’s stuff Brian and I disagreed on, and I had one perception and he had another, which, to me, there’s nothing wrong with that. We’re obviously two different people.”

“As far as the betrayed thing, that’s the reason I called him,” Torre added. “I knew there was no word betrayed in there in regards to feeling that he left me out there somewhere.”
...“There’s stuff in there where, from my angle, I looked at it one way and I’m sure, from his angle, he probably looked at it a different way,”...

“If you’ve been together with someone that long, it would be suspect if you did agree on everything,” Torre said on the telephone. “I told Brian that we’d always be friends. Whether we got along or not, one is the business side. The other is personal.”
About A-Rod:
“I don’t think I said anything about A-Rod that I didn’t say already,”
About the contents of the book:
“Knowing that my name is on it, I know I’m going to have to answer for it,”...

“I’m comfortable with what I contributed to the book,” Torre said, “even though I’m probably going to get more credit or more blame than I deserve, whichever way you want to look at it.”
The article also mentions that Torre will be on Larry King Live on Friday to discuss the book.


  1. After reading this, seems like Torre has got a little "slickness" in him, which I like.

  2. He'd be a good politician, that's for sure. Then again, so would Derek Jeter.

    By the way, what's up with the whole "Nazi Zombie" stuff?

  3. Lol, its a mode from the new Call of Duty game where you got to kill a bunch of Nazi Zombies, im a little obsessed with it at the moment.

  4. hahaahah I should have known that since I play the game. Great game by the way.

  5. Ok, so i went and read the other posts after all, and im glad i did, cause I too have World at War...

    Whats yous guys' names? We gotta squad up!!!

  6. fuck joe torre hard for this one. he's mad cause we didnt pick his ass back up after 07. you should never reveal what happens behind close doors in sports. they teach you the basic principle in little league. why this washed up manager feels the need to stir up shit with a team that made him look so good is beyond me. I am a diehard yankee fan and i never disown past players or staff unless they sign with boston or write books talking shit. joe torre is a old punk and is no longer a great man. he now will be recieved as another yankee disloyalist: ride us when we win, destroy us when we don't. SCUM
