Thursday, February 12, 2009

Is Selig Serious?

From the NY Daily News:
Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig came out roaring Wednesday, putting Alex Rodriguez on notice that the Yankee third baseman's admitted performance-enhancing drug use may not go unpunished.

In an interview with USA Today, Selig was asked if he would consider suspending the three-time American League MVP after Rodriguez told ESPN on Monday that he had juiced from 2001 through 2003 when he played for the Rangers.

"It was against the law, so I would have to think about that," Selig told the paper. "It's very hard. I've got to think about all that kind of stuff."

"He's open to everything. That doesn't mean he can do everything. He's keeping all options open," MLB spokesman Rich Levin told the Daily News, referring to Selig.

Regardless of how wrong Rodriguez was to cheat, and cheat consistently for three years, he shouldn't be suspended. These tests were conducted with an agreement that they would remain anonymous, and players who tested positive would not be punished.

Also, why would he suspend A-Rod, but not Giambi or Pettitte? Both of them admitted using steroids? What kind of weasel would he be if only a year later he decides to punish A-Rod for doing the exact same thing?

Selig mentioned that A-Rod broke the law, which is true, but is he really prepared to suspend Alex Rodriguez because broke the law six years ago?

What about Joba Chamberlain? He got a DUI this past offseason, is he going to be suspended?

What about any player who has broken a law in the last decade? Is he going to suspend all of them?

And once again, what about Giambi and Pettitte?

The commissioner should stop worrying about possibly punishments for A-Rod and focus more on writing up a resignation letter. After all, he is to blame for this. It was under his watch that steroids took over baseball, and all he did was look the other way. The league was making money, that's all he cared about.


  1. I don't think he gives a damn if the league is making money or not.
    The fact that no matter what happens, he will still get his super fat salary is all he cares about.

  2. I think we need something really funny to wash down all these disgusting and depressing news:
    Line up here if you want to change place with Guillermo.
    Watch with patience and you'll find your reward.

  3. This is what happens when you let an operation be run by a used car salesman from Milwaukee.

  4. Selig is a joke, and baseball is successful in spite of his clown-like job he's done as comissioner.

    This statement with regard to A-Rod, along with all the other clownnery this ass has been perpetrating over the past decade plus is evidence of just how stupid this guy is.

    Yeah, let's suspend A-Rod. Let's suspend Pettitte and Giambi while we're at it - they're a Yankee and a former Yankee who admitted usage.

    Let's just suspend everyone for everything, as long as they are currently, or were once Yankees.

    MLB goes for years without anyone (SELIG) pushing ANY sort of widespread performance enhancing drug testing, and he's got the testicles to say crap like this?

    Selig gets paid $17M to act like a buffoon. Great ******* gig.

  5. Correct! If "A" played for the Brewers this wouldn't be an issue.

  6. "The commissioner should stop worrying about possibly punishments for A-Rod and focus more on writing up a resignation letter. After all, he is to blame for this. It was under his watch that steroids took over baseball, and all he did was look the other way. The league was making money, that's all he cared about."

    Exactly right - very well said.

  7. Perhaps it's just my over-active imagination, but to me Selig's face resembles a piece of raw liver.

    Now that that's out of the way, I must say that I agree with the "used car salesman from Milwaukee" line. Hey, Liver-Face, how's the bowling league going? I can see you wearing a bowling shirt complete with huge wet stains under the armpits....

    Seriously, it's all because this crap involves a Yankee that Liver Puss would say something like this. And I love that question--"What about Giambi?" You can bet that if A-Rod had gone to Boston, all records of positive test results would have been shredded, burned, and buried at the bottom of the sea.

    I've never really liked A-Rod's attitude as a person, but I must say that now's the time for us all to really root for him this coming season.

    God forgive me, but I really hope Selig gets caught in a ball return (as I was once a mechanic in a bowling alley, please forgive my old mechanic's lingo).


    PS Happy Lincoln's Birthday!

  8. "Obama Out In Left Field, Out Of His League"

    harsh words for President Obama's criticism of A-Rod

  9. "I've never really liked A-Rod's attitude as a person, but I must say that now's the time for us all to really root for him this coming season."

    I think this is the approach we all need to take...this poor guy has been the goat for too long...

  10. Amen, Anon! I'm going to root for the guy like I never have before.


  11. can't wait till the red sox and mets players get revealed in this list

  12. Selig would be perfect in Congress.
