Thursday, February 19, 2009

A-Rod's Cousin Identified

Looks like the media has found another person who's life they can ruin.

From Doug Miller:
The cousin whom Alex Rodriguez referred to in his Tuesday press conference as the person who obtained and injected the slugger with performance-enhancing drugs has been identified as Miami resident Yuri Sucart, according to ESPN.

An ESPN Deportes producer received confirmation of Sucart's identity from the man's wife, Carmen, over the telephone on Wednesday night.

"I told you my husband has nothing to say," Carmen Sucart told the network. "What A-Rod said at the press conference is what happened and that is all. And if you want to talk to my husband, why don't you talk to his lawyer?"

The network reported that Yuri Sucart served as Rodriguez's "best friend, confidant and personal protector," and uncovered more detail from a "friend once close to Rodriguez."

"Yuri was a mule, not a guy who would initiate anything," the friend told ESPN. "He did what Alex told him to. He was only looking out for Alex. He is not a guy who would take the initiative to go out and buy drugs. Alex said during the press conference that his cousin just did what was asked -- that is perfect for Yuri's MO. He is a person who would be with him forever, a loyal guy without a bad bone in his body."

Is there any doubt that this guy will be on Larry King in a week?


  1. Some of the 1,600 or so fans gathered under a near-cloudless sky at Steinbrenner Field cheered when they saw No. 13. A few yelled out encouraging words. Not a single boo or insult was heard.

  2. i hope a-rod is smart enough to pay his cousin off to keep quiet.

  3. Time for A-Rod to say enough is enough, he had his press conference, time to get ready for the season. He will not address the situation again. Period.

  4. at least we know there is a cousin, and it looks like he injected Arod, just like what he said.. one of the questions has been answered.

  5. Larry King? I fear this guy will be forced to testify in front of Congress in a week, let alone late-night t.v.

  6. R.J.,

    That's another issue. And you're right, he could be in trouble with the law as well. Being a drug mule is not exactly legal.


    That's true. At least we now know he wasn't lying about that.

  7. i think its time time to focus on baseball and the monster year the yanks will (hopefully)have already

  8. As many in the media seemed to think the "cousin" was a fake, I'm glad they can't suggest THAT anymore.

    I'm also glad to hear the fans cheered him!

    Let's go Yanks!


  9. Are there any doubt the Feds will hunt this guy down for buying steroids for ARod but won't prosecute any of the loser banksters who train wrecked the world economy through massive fraud?
