Friday, February 27, 2009

Spring Training Quick Cuts: Nick Swisher

Here's the latest edition of YES Network's spring training quick cuts, this time it's Yankees outfielder Nick Swisher:


  1. I like Swisher, I was relieved when the Braves signed GA, just to make sure we wouldn't be trading Swish :).

  2. I was glad he didn't go to the Braves too. I never thought they should trade him in the first place.

  3. A guy who truly loves being a Yankee. We need more like him.

  4. Seriously how could Cashman even think about trading. Having him on the bench will make our bench very strong something the yanks have been missing. And who knows about Matsui he has been injury prone the last couple of years.

    Everything I been reading about Swisher really loosened up the clubhouse and all the guys like him. Trading him could really hurt team morale.

  5. The thing I like most, is what he said on his twitter page.

    "This team is amazing. Cannot believe I have been blessed enough to be here. I am on cloud 9"

    Gotta love a guy who loves being here. I remember Doug Mienkiewiz (hardest name in the world to spell?) said similar things.

  6. I would say the same thing if I was going to the yankees.
