Sunday, February 8, 2009

Well You Knew These Were Coming

This is from the folks over at

(Hat tip to Scott Proctor's Arm)

But this won't be the only A-Roid shirt being worn at Yankees road (and some home) games
this year. There's this one, and this one too. ... Oh yea, and then there's these.


  1. When he cracks 50 home runs this year and wins another MVP. Who's going to really be laughing.. Come on. He knew he fucked up a long time ago. He has been waiting for this.. did we all think he was really just spooked by NY.

    The fall out has started.. now if he hit 200 with 13 HR's and gets hurt all year.. then we really have a problem.

  2. disaster capitalism


  4. There most likely going to be in Boston and Toranto.

  5. lets hope the other 103 names includes at least 1 red suck player like the big pap smear

  6. Don't worry mess and red sux fans, you'll get yours when Piazza, Ortiz, Manny, Varitek, Youkillis, and Wright, and Reyes are announced on that list.

  7. Am I the only one that wants to make shirts about pedroia's family issues with child molestation? maybe a "Pedroia likes little boys"
    or "You cant spell PEDpohile, without PEDroia" any takers?

  8. Anon,

    What problems with Pedroia's family?

    He has pedophiles in his family?

  9. Pedroia's brother accused of child abuse
    January 26, 2009

    WOODLAND, Calif.
    The brother of Red Sox second baseman and American League MVP Dustin Pedroia is facing accusations of child molestation in Yolo County, according to According to the Woodland Police Department, Brett Pedroia, 30, was taken into custody Jan. 9 on a probable cause warrant for two counts of oral copulation and lewd acts with a child under age 14, all felonies. The alleged victim recently told his parent about the incidents from four years ago, a statement from Woodland police said. Police declined to speak with the Globe last night.

  10. Wow, I did not know that. That's f***ed up.

    (I know I had the best and most resourceful readers over here at SIH.)

  11. here is the offical story i read:

    pretty cool how red sox players get their dirt swept under the rug. Imagine if A-Rods brother got accused of touching little boys in the dominican. You couldnt get away from that story!!1

    thats why we need Tshirts!!
