Monday, April 20, 2009

A-Rod's Rehab Continues

From the AP via ESPN:
Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez increased his onfield drills Monday as the three-time AL MVP started his second full week working out at New York's minor league complex in Florida.

A-Rod, comimg back from right hip surgery in Colorado on March 9, did additional defensive work, making 19 throws to first and nine to second after fielding grounders. He also continues to look impressive in batting practice, hitting 10 homers in 75 swings.

"It feels good," an upbeat Rodriguez said.

Rodriguez is running in the outfield at the start and end of his onfield sessions, but has not started full-speed sprints or running the bases.
It appears that he's very close to playing in a few minor league games. I'll say it again, I think he's going to be back the first week of May.


  1. yankeefan91 arod fanApril 20, 2009 at 10:39 PM

    For all the arod haters i told ya this team needed Arod.imagine he had to miss the whole season this team would had really stuggled

  2. He's definitely needed, but I don't think the Yankees record right now is any different. Maybe they're a game better at most.

  3. Jeter

    Yankees are already scoring a lot of runs when A-Rod gets back the lineup will be lethal.

  4. Hopefully Alex Rodriguez's (I pronounce his name in full in an attempt launch a new era in which corporate "A-Rod" is no more) absence from the Yankees has given the fans a chance to miss him and eventually embrace him. If the guy cuts out all the nonsense and focuses solely on baseball he can really carry this team.

  5. I can't believe that we are stuck with this guy for ten years.

  6. Anon,

    I was thinking the opposite. It seems so much nicer and more enjoyable since he's not around. To Greg's point I don't think we would be any different than we are now. The loss' have come from bad pitching. The offense has been very solid so far. Nobody wants to see a full year of Cody Ransom but all things being equal it could be a lot worse. I love not having A-Rod around! I know we need him I just wish it cam without any baggage.

  7. we need arod back -- defensively as well as offensively-- anyone that says otherwise is retarded. we are a better tea, with him
