Monday, April 20, 2009

Tonight's Game Has Been Postponed

According to tonight's game has been postponed due to rain. No makeup date yet.

According to Peter Abraham, the game will be made up in July. He's not sure which date, but I'm going to guess July 23rd because both teams have off that day and the next day the two teams begin and three-game series.


  1. so the rotation should be:

    Tues- Pettitte
    Wed- CC
    Thurs- off
    Fri- Joba
    Sat- Burnett
    Sun- Pettitte

    I got scared for a moment cause i thought Wang/ AAA pitcher would have to pitch in Fenway.. does Oakland have a game Thursday?

  2. That can't happen, as oakland would have 27 straight games without a day off, which would violate the CBA.

  3. That's a good point anon. Then it would have to be a doubleheader on either the 24th, 25th, or 26th.

  4. yankeefan91 arod fanApril 20, 2009 at 5:02 PM

    This sucks what am i supposed to do the nba playoffs.

  5. Crap, I wanted to watch this game tonight. Now I can't watch the others because I will be in D.C in the next four days. Most likely they will not have YES in the hotels.

  6. Joba starting the series in Fenway makes me nervous.

  7. New York Rangers right? I'm not a big hockey fan as I used to.

  8. Although I guess Joba vs. Lester on Friday then Burnett vs. Becket on Saturday could be fun.

  9. Let's just hope Joba can throw strikes. He needs to stop trying to live so much on the corners, his pitch count gets out of hand.
