Thursday, April 23, 2009

Yanks Plan to Raise Premium Ticket Prices Next Year???

In this article from the NY Times from Ken Belson about empty seats at the two new stadiums in New York, there was this little piece of disturbing news at the end:
For next season, the Yankees plan to raise premium ticket prices 4 percent.
When premium sections in the new place regularly look like this:

How the hell do you then come to the conclusion that raising the ticket prices is a smart move?

I'm hoping that this was just the original plans and have since been scrapped, but from all the we've sold 80-85% of our premium seats garbage coming from Randy Levine and co., I'm not too confident in that being the case.


  1. Marketing geniuses at Yankee Inc.
    Wonder if George gives any input into any of this anymore.

  2. That's unbelievable.

  3. I think a lot of these sections could be reserved for group sales, when i went to the game on tuesday night there were about 3 whole field level sections emptied and a few in the middle tier. Overall it is disgusting, but let them shoot themselves in the foot. Ya know I was cold, cause I was an idiot tuesday and forgot my jacket in the car the cheapest yankee sweatshirt was 65dollars. Ya know I love this team but not some of the ways it operates.

  4. This organization continues to prove how stupid they actually are. This is truly embarrassing.

  5. Not surprising more whining and complaing coming from Boston

  6. lol I meant that comment for Big Papi wrong section.

    But anyway they are not going to raise ticket prices for the premium they will sell them cheaper next year just watch.

  7. hahaha no problem Anon, that's what I figured when I saw it the first time.

    As for the tickets, I really really hope you're right. I'm sick of looking at empty seats.

  8. This would never happen if George was still alive...

  9. He is alive... His brain is just... uh... not all there.

  10. I sense a firestorm brewing over these seats. Personally Im furious over it. My opinion aside the bottomline from the teams perspective and by that I mean the players not the organization...

    the best seats in the house cant be empty

    unacceptable impermissible

    Management already looks silly over this. I dont like how the legend section is sectioned off with glass walls. Thats not cool. Its just snobby. The yankees are the premire organization in mayve all of sports but lets not cut off our nose to spite our face.

    Its just stupid. NOBODY IS THERE, its closed off but nobody is in there enjoying it! Its ridiculous. Thats the best word to describe it. Ridiculous. How could the organizations position be: if nobody wants to pay full price no one will sit there. How? Who ropes off a section as "exclusive" but then nobody is in the section? It doesnt make sense. Its an amateur & immature position to take. The yankees are supposed to the the exact opposite. It cant go on much longer w/o repercussions.

    Whatever they do raise prices or lower them. THEY HAVE TO GET PEOPLE IN THOSE SEATS SOON

    They risk looking like jerkoffs and at the same time upsetting the fans by letting this continue any longer. Its the kind of small fire u put out immediately b.c by putting people in the seats everybody wins. Its just retarded to put up a stand over legends seats. Get people in the seats. How difficult is that? The yankees arent immune from market conditions. Its like they need a bailout over legends seats. Its so stupid i cant believe its still going on.

  11. I couldn't agree more TopofNewYork.

  12. They sure look like a bunch of richard-heads. How stupid are they?


  13. Ken was probably quoting some old information. If these seats don't sell they will be cheaper next yr.

  14. I think the Yankees will restructure their pricing next year by raising the prices in the upper levels and lowering the prices in the lower 2 levels, or maybe just the Legends seats. Never mind the embarrassment, which I don't think Levine & Trost care about, the important thing is that they can't AFFORD to have empty seats.

    I wish there was just one person with a baseball background in the yankees' inner sanctum.

  15. This is making a big deal out of nothing--any of those seats that were taken out on a multi-year deal have an increase of 4% a year locked in and that's what Levine was talking about. I hate Levine too, but I think they're going to wait it out before publicly stating they're giving any breaks.

  16. Per Pete Abe--

    "Bud Selig spoke to a group of sports editors today and revealed that the Yankees and Mets “will be discussing” whether to lower prices for the premium seats at the new ballparks."

  17. Once again the arrogance of the Yankees led by Levine and Trost has come through with another slap to the face of the average fan. The only people showing up for the game are those fans in the upper levels, outfield, and the bleachers and how will they be rewarded? Raise the price of their tickets to make up for the failed marketing and pricing policies of these two titans of industry.

    We buy 80% of the season seats, go to the games, and that's how we are we're rewarded.

    Levine must go!

    He has become an embarrasment to the organization. Trost must also go! He oversaw the design and building of a flawed project that contributed to this marketing disaster. A designed that gave nearly all of the amenities to the rich and poor site lines to the rest of the fans.

    There is no way around it. Levine and Trost must be fired and a new approach must be implemented. One that tries to brings back fans and reward the loyal fans that have paid a good percentage of the money to support the team.
