Monday, May 11, 2009

Why doesn't the media complain about this?

(AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)


  1. Cut him some slack, Jack. he's constipated.

    Nobody is worse than K-Rod as far as the celebrations go.

  2. lol

    K-Rod is bad too, but at least all the pointing to the sky stuff if for his dead grandfather.

    Either way, at this point I have no right to complain about anyone because I accept what Joba does. My only point is that if the media/ESPN are going to bash Joba, then they should be saying the same things about Papelbon.

  3. This guy is a tool, first he runs his mouth about everything from joba to manny(which helped win him an '07 series(, right down to wanting to close it out for the AL at the all star game last year, saying he is more deserving than MO. Alright, on top of that is everyone forgetting this guy pulled an asshole move and put the 2007 closing world series ball in his back pocket and then when everybody asked where it was he said his dog ate it cause he left it on the counter.

    Look I respect some of the red sux players but youk, paps smear, and pedroia are my top 3 hated. I guess its beacuse they look like real red sux, scummy bastards.

  4. i have a feeling why people complain about joba and not papelbon. it's because of the yankees organization. there always corporate and businesslike, and you don't see any emotion of the kind like every other team. so when joba becomes a free spirit and doesn't celebrate the yankee way, everyone has something to say about it. the red sox, mets, and every other team are free spirited, and are free to be theirselves.

    not the new york yankees, as hard as it is to admit this

  5. even Jeter pumps his fist after a win, nobody complained about that

  6. if he's going to pleasure himself, he really shouldnt do it in public, I guess Boston has no decency standards. Typical behavior from someone on gonadotropin.

  7. PapelBERRY!

    like dingleberry...gedditt?

  8. This photo just makes me sick.

  9. Tool he may be...but he also happens to be the best closer in the game today. One run down in the bottom of the ninth, who would you rather face: Papelbon or Mariano?

  10. this photo is an instant CLASSIC!

  11. I don't know, why do we even care what people think about Joba's fist pump?

    We're supposed to be Yankee fans here, since when does the opinion of the media or fans from other cities matter?

  12. It's annoying for me because I have to read or hear about it when I read the papers, watch tv, or listen to the radio. They even talk about it on the YES network.

    And I care because I wonder how much it effects Joba. If he's even thinking about it the slightest bit, that's a problem for me. Luckily it doesn't seem like he does, but none of us truly know what's going on in his head.

  13. Did anyone watch the game last night? it's almost like he puts himself in these tough spots so he can have something to make a fool of himself over IF he gets out of it.

    While the three K's were impressive--even though Crawford should know better than to swing at three high fastballs out of the zone--Papelbon has looked shaky all season and I really do believe his run as a top closer is coming to an end.

  14. I was at the game yesterday sitting
    amognst thousands of Yankees fans. Nobody said a thing a bout the fist pumping, never knew it was an issue until I got home and read it on the net. So it's more a media thing, than a fan thing. We all know Joba's not afraid to come inside, so I think things will work itself out.

  15. "Cut him some slack, Jack. he's constipated."

  16. Because the media do not watch RedSux games either.

    I'm enjoying the complaining about Joba, its a mark of distinction. If they don't like it, I say do it more. And i think its funny to have players on other teams making fun of him for the first pumps. Its a lot more entertaining than everyone acting civil and then going back to the hotel to give each other a hummer, like Milky and his boyfriends on the Redsox.

  17. You are 100% right Greg. I honestly I dont even care what Papplebon does. But it is a joke that ESPN rips Joba for doing the fistpump but does not say one word about Papplebon.

    Also they never said anything about Ortiz and Manny basically just standing at homeplate and watching the ball go over the fence before they start running. Or both of them flicking the bat. That is showing up the pitcher.

  18. "I'm not going to make everybody happy. I understand that. I'm out here to win ballgames, I'm not here to make friends, to be honest with you. If I make friends along the way, awesome. But this is about this team in here and giving them everything I've got. If I don't show my emotion, that's not me being a person and a baseball player. That's cutting this team short of everything I can give them." - Joba

    I love his attitude its about time we have some guys like Joba on yankees. The reason that tool Gammons rip Joba was because the red sox dont like him.

  19. he's suggesting a very lewd and disgusting act that should be kept to his bedroom/bathroom when doing this. The FCC should review this whenever played over live air. I don't want my children exposed to this man motioning towards his genitalia.

  20. oh yeah, he's a fucking tool, by the way.

  21. report what? he's making himself look like a homo. does he really need the media's help to facilitate that effort if he does it on his own?

  22. he looks like he just got done pounding one out

  23. i think i am just going to print out this picture, and mail a copy of it everyday to him at fenway park, just so he can be reminded of how much of a effing moron he is.

  24. hahahaha I'm loving these comments. Great stuff people.

    By the way, Anon, I like Joba's attitude a lot too.

  25. hahahah PapelDump is a classic

  26. for some reason i feel he is used to having his mouth open...

  27. Another Papeldump pic.

  28. He's jacking off, no problem with that >_>

  29. lol...ok lets evaluate the fist pumps...jobas fist pump is like a 1 or 2 pump still uppercut where his elbow is tucked into the side of his body while hes walking off the mound and maybe adds a lil jump to it....pap stays in that still like position on the mound looking like hes ready to drop one as he gives repeated fastpaced fist pumps over and over again.

    pap is a tool! i hope he takes a liner off his dank!

    big series coming up aganist the bluejays lets bring them back down to earth yanks!

  30. I've always wondered why no one seems to complain about that "Pablumborn" in Boston....

    I'm off to fish in Canada. Be back on May 26!

