Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tex, A-Rod Not Happy With Sutcliffe

From Mark Feisand:
Hours before they were to do battle with the Red Sox Tuesday night, Mark Teixeira and Alex Rodriguez were involved in different type of confrontation, this one inside the Yankees' clubhouse.

Upset with an accusation made by ESPN's Rick Sutcliffe two weeks ago, the two players approached the former Cy Young winner to discuss the situation.

Sutcliffe said on the air that A-Rod had been feeding Teixeira verbal signs from the on-deck circle, giving his teammate a heads-up on the catcher's location before the pitch was delivered. Teixeira and A-Rod pulled Sutcliffe aside when they saw him in the clubhouse last night, expressing their displeasure with his charges.

"Me, Alex and him talked about it," Teixeira told the Daily News, confirming that the conversation took place. "No doubt it's disappointing when someone makes an accusation like that. Whatever. I can't control what they say."

Teixeira said he has known Sutcliffe "for years," adding that he's always considered him to be "a great guy and a great pitcher." Teixeira wouldn't comment any further on the tone of the conversation, although he and Rodriguez were clearly upset with Sutcliffe's words and let the former All-Star know it. Sutcliffe will be part of ESPN's broadcast team for tonight's game.

"You can ask him about it," Teixeira said.

Just another reason to watch MLB Network instead of ESPN.


  1. I agree. MLB Network is worlds better than ESPN. It's not even close.

    Sutcliffe is annoying as hell, and he's not even the worst. You got guys like Phillips, Miller and Morgan. And huge obvious homers such as Kruk and Gammons. It's horrible.

  2. I wonder if A-Rod is upset with Letterman calling him a Pedo?

  3. yeah MLB Network is actual reporting and coverage, nespn is like a fake news station pretty much like the colbert report lol

  4. Maybe Sutcliffe should stick to thinks he actually knows about.

    Like getting trashed and going on the air sounding like a homeless wino.

  5. Sutcliffe is a moron

  6. Nothing worse then Chris Berman calling a game.
    Also on an upside
    read earlier today on MSN that Selena Robert's book has only sold 16,000 copies so far. They did an andvance of 150,000 printings, should be in the dollar store soon.

  7. ESPN is the biggest joke in the world.

  8. Thank God for MLB Network. It's just like Baseball Tonight, only good. I never watch ESPN now and it's great. Every morning before my 13 year old son goes to school he checks in with MLB Network to catch the scores and plays from the night before.
