Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Yanks Pitchers Making a Habit of Throwing Inside

From Pete Caldera:
In a broader sense, the Yankees largely have reversed a perception in recent years that their pitchers have been too passive in protecting their star-studded lineup.

So far this season, Yankees’ pitchers have plunked 34 batters, while Yankee hitters have been hit 19 times. Last season, Yankee batters were struck by pitches 80 times — second highest in the AL – while Yankee pitchers hit just 51 batters.

Mostly, it’s a product of pitching inside more consistently — a point that pitching coach Dave Eiland re-emphasized in spring training.

"We were going to make hitters uncomfortable, we’re going to move some feet and take hitters out of their comfort zone," Eiland said recently. "That’s not to say we’re trying to hit people, but we’re pitching inside [in order] to establish the outside part of the plate."


"You see guys lean out over the plate who take big hacks, you know it’s time to go in," Eiland said. "We have to establish [that] early."

The Yankees also have made more frequent use of the direct purpose pitch, with A.J. Burnett’s defense of Mark Teixeira serving as the latest evidence.
I'll never forget the game against the Sox in July of '03 -- You know, the one Michael Kay mentions every third broadcast? -- when Pedro sent Jeter and Soriano to the hospital on back-to-back at-bats. Moose ended up pitching a great game, holding the Sox to a run on two hits over eight while striking out nine, but the one thing he didin't do was stand up for his teammates.

It's good to see that this staff is full of guys who are not afraid to stand up for their teammates. Not because I want to see pitches flying at the heads of opposing players, but because pitchers must command the inside part of the plate. As soon as you stop throwing inside the hitter usually begins to gain an advantage. He can just hang all over the inner half and hit balls he normally wouldn't be able to get to, especially if he's afraid the next ball might be in his ear.


  1. I had gotten sick & tired of the Yankees pitchers not pitching inside to hitters, or of not retaliating when their hitters got hit. The game you mention, Pedro hitting both Jeter & Soriano, was atrocious. Why do you think Pedro chose that particular game? The fact that Moose was pitching had a lot to do with it, I'll bet anything on that. look, I don't ever want to see anyone getting hurt, but that said, I like the fact that this Yankees pitching staff is getting the reputation they now have. It makes the other guys stop & think a little before they try to intimidate the Yankees. To be honest, when the Yankees played the Sox in recent years, I always thought that if David Ortiz had spent more time sitting on his rear end during his at-bats, he wouldn't have been nearly as comfortable hitting against the Yankees. That's what it's all about.

  2. yeah when the Red Sox have been doing it not much has been said about it. Wait until all the Yankee criticism starts. Which personally I dont care what people say its betetr to be agressive.

  3. Well according to Peter Gammons, any Yankee that throws at a Red Sock is a punk who has a lot to learn, but guys like Pedro and Beckett are all-time greats.

  4. i dont listen to anything peter "red sox lover" gammons says..he is probably the most one sided baseball writer i have ever heard speak

  5. I love when he backhand compliments the Yankees. The Yankees are on a tear right now..but the Red Sox young arms are going to be tough to beat.

  6. And Pedro throwing down Don Zimmer was totally fine too....someone tell that guy to shut up

  7. i hate how a supposed sports "news" station has blatantly biased "reporters" it just sickens me

  8. I'm not sure too many people take Gammon's seriously anymore....except Red Sox fans of course. As far as the inside pitch goes it's about time! It is one of the most important parts of the game. To be dominant you have to own the inside half of the plate. I think a lot of the past had to do with Joe Torre as well. I think he saw it as taking the high road but in reality it hurt our pitchers and our stars.

  9. I read this on another site earlier.. Pretty interesting. This list is since 2004

    -2004: Red Sox hit 18 Yankees; Yankees hit 15 Red Sox

    -2004 ALCS: Red Sox hit 7 Yankees; Yankees hit 1 Red Sox

    -2005: Red Sox hit 10 Yankees; Yankees hit 6 Red Sox

    -2006: Red Sox hit 7 Yankees; Yankees hit 6 Red Sox

    -2007: 9 hit batsman for each team.

    -2008: Red Sox hit 14 Yankees; Yankees hit 9 Red Sox

    -2009: Red Sox hit 2 Yankees; Yankees hit 8 Red Sox

    I think if we went back to 1995 or so, we would see that these numbers would be alot more lopsided in favor of the sox hitting us. IMO it's about time we started being more aggressive
