Saturday, September 26, 2009

Let's Not Get Ahead of Ourselves

I know I'm a little late with this post but I've been reading some of the commentary on Joba's start and people seem to be getting a little bit to excited over what he did last night. Its a huge improvement of course and it was a solid start but consider this; Chad Gaudin has been that good or better in his past three starts. its to early to say anything with finality on this topic yet but right now it definitely looks like Chad Gaudin has a clear edge in the battle to be the #4 guy. I hope the Yankees make the right decision to, rather then just going with the guy with the best reputation.



  2. There really is no battle for the number 4 starter. It is Joba's job. The yankees are just trying to use Gaudin to try to give Joba some extra motivation. Which is why Girardi & Cashman came out with those public comments.

    The yankees are not dumb no way would they pick Gaudin over Joba. Gaudin pitched a great game against the angels but still couldn't go 5 innings. If that was Joba on the mound pitching that way against the angels instead of Gaudin everybody would be killing him.

    Who do you want to go pitch in fenway park in alcs? I put my money on Joba he has pitched very well in fenway over Gaudin.

    Gaudin will most likely make the playoff rotation as the longman. And then the yanks can use Aceves has a 1-2 inning pitcher.

    Having Coke/Robertson/Aceves will be a strong middle relief and bridge to Hughes.

  3. And use Gaudin as the longman in case one of the 4 starters struggles in the alcs or world series.

  4. Joba is not the 4th starter. He has had one good game against the Sox in his last 9 and thats it. In the 8 before he was 0-4 with a 6+era and last 3 innings on a consistent basis...oh yeah the MARINERS also killed him.

    Gaudin has decent numbers against the Sox, but has been more consistent then Joba. Before the ASB Joba was tanking. He had 3 good starts out of the break, then tanked some more, then just bounced back against the Sox.

    If he struggles in his last start then you can almost bank on Gaudin getting the job.

  5. I think some of you are underrating just how badly the Yankees and Brian Cashman want Joba to be a starter. Yes, if he struggles badly his next time out he may not start in the postseason, but if he even just has an average start don't be surprised if that's enough to get him into the postsesaon starting rotation.

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  8. I just want Joba to get his act together and make this an easy choice.

  9. what them double posts you dumb d-bag.

  10. hey hey hey, i refuse to be talked to like a two timing whore. btw, where the frack are ya?

  11. Anon, what's bullshit?

    Hey Durden, how was the game? You ever find those Millers?

  12. right now, at courtney's waiting to see whats going on ;)

  13. game was sick greg. i was on edge the whole time. loading the bases twice and not having anything happened almost made me punch some sox fans.

    millers were found. i also found a guy walking around with them and made him come my way more.

    it was sick game to be at, so assclown poured a beer on a yankee fan, he got tagged and bagged.

  14. Where is all the complaining and bitching after joba puts together a good start? you guys are almost starting to treat joba like arod, treat him like dirt when he fails and cheer him when he succeeds like hes the greatest. No one deserves that treatment people.
    Again , thank god cash and girardi are more patient than u guys.

  15. why don't you learn to be grammatically correct and proof read so you don't talk like a china man 'den

  16. why dont i give you a spoon so you can eat my ass Logan

  17. btw you hear from Lance? I would call but my phone died due to shit reception and mad picture taking.

  18. greg, logan and i are always like this.

  19. idk where he's been, maryanne called me looking for him too.

  20. he probably at stacy's, you know hes been sneaking back there after going to maryanne's.

  21. word? really? hes gunna mess his shit up again.

  22. yeah man, im gunna jam, when are we gunna work on our tort and patent work?

  23. idk, i got tickets for the game tomorrow outside the stadium today, so im not leaving here till tomorrow. or monday.

  24. id like to apologize for wasting posts on personal shit.

    back to the post.

    you know how i feel.


    Chamberlain-Hughes-Mo(7th, 8th and 9th)

    Aceves, Mitre and Chamberlain can also be long men.

  25. Joba is now back to being a normal starter. He started to pitch bad when the yankees started skipping and and having him pitch 3-4 innings. That is going to affect a young pitchers command and shifting him will affect him mentality, I dont care what the yankees say.

    Joba just bounced back and pitched a good game that was a huge game for him especially after what Cashman said.

    Anybody seriously wanting Gaudin to start over Joba in the alcs in fenway park is insane. That is the last thing Girardi and Cashman want to do.

    The yankees are going to win 100 plus games basically with a 4 man rotation of CC,AJ,Andy and Joba. There is no need to fuck around with that in the playoffs.

  26. 1. Gaudin has better numbers since he got here then Joba has accumulated.

    2. Your assuming we face the Sox. We could very well be facing the Angels. And Gaudin has a good start over them while Joba has none.

  27. the bottom line is that joba has to get over in his next start or else he may not have a spot. a fluke start against the sox, one that wasnt even all that impressive, wont be enough if its outweight by 9 bad ones to that 1 good in the last 10.

  28. Girardi just said after Andy's start against the angels. That he was worried about Andy command in the beginning of the game because they skipped he start.

    If that can affect a veteran pitcher like Andy what about skipping and moving a young pitcher like Joba around.

    Yankees are at fault for Joba they should of started him slowly in april and may and guard his innings that way instead of doing it in august/septemeber and when you are getting ready for the postseason.

  29. I still feel like Gaudin's won the job. Joba got a piece of it back with his last start. But its make or break in his next one, either he's got it or he don't got it.

  30. Girardi said on wfan with Francesa before Joba's start against Boston. That right now Joba is my 4th starter in the postseason but he needs Joba to pitch better.

    That was coming off Joba bad outing against Seattle. There really is no competition especially after the way Joba pitched agains the redsox.

    They want Joba to pitch game 4. And they are right Joba is a better pitcher than Gaudin. Gaudin had an over 5 era in the nl west. He has done a nice job here but I still trust Joba in a big game over Gaudin and I believe Girardi does too.

  31. well see. my bets that joba implodes.

  32. im not saying Jobas a bad pitcher or that Gaudin's better for him. Im saying its a case of what have you done for me lately, quite frankly Gaudin has seemed to do better then Joba.

    If the Yankees would let Joba off the leash I think he would have been in a better position right now going into the post-season. I hope he does well and owns and makes me eat my words, I really do.

  33. they're really the same pitcher on the field.

    Job's got a 4.72era with 5.95 run support avg.

    Chad has a 4.78 era, 3.70 era with the yankees and a 4/02 run support avg.
