Saturday, September 19, 2009

PeteAbe's Yankeeography

I'm not sure if any of you have seen this, but early this year the folks over at It is high, it is far, it is... caught put together this spoof Yankeeography for Peter Abraham. With his announcement that he's leaving LoHud to go over to the Boston Globe, I figured it would be a good time to post this.


  1. That video is classic. Simply hilarious.

    The line about not being able to form sentences had me crying.

  2. no. i think you are. your useing a guy name and you are a bitch.

  3. the bitch went away. too bad.

  4. Sox fans really need to get a life, geez.

  5. I think Jack might be a skitz.
    -not jack

  6. Jack,
    I offer you some serious advice, go see a SHRINK!

    You have problems, big ones, were you not hugged as a child? Were you dropped on your head? Did you eat paint chips?....oh wait these are all rhetorical questions, of course that happened your a SOX bitch.


  7. your a SOX bitch. how intresting.

  8. alright, your a Masshole. if i need to explain that one you should go kill yourself.

  9. kill yourself. don't do that. your sick.

  10. Any sox fan on any Yankee site needs to evaluate their life, clearly they are not meeting enough females.

  11. i have A girlfriend. unlike you gayloard.

  12. awww look the little bitch has a little bitch to smack around awww

  13. don't call yourself that.

  14. learn to spell before insulting people buddy.

  15. u spelled bitch wrong. it's not spelled Durden.

  16. The only reason why a sox fan would even go on a Yankee site to bad mouth is because they are afraid to say it face to face to a Yankee fan b/c they know they'd be dropped and their girl would leave them.

  17. my 4 year old cousin is more witty then you.

  18. my dead grandmother is more witty then him.

  19. Jack, you don't have a girlfriend. My parrot is smarter than you.

  20. liam, when he said girlfriend he meant his right hand.

  21. Jack (the only bitch that is a bitch)September 19, 2009 at 7:02 PM

    I still suck my thumb.

  22. It is his mom right hand anon. Good try though.

  23. i really dont understand how sox fans have the time to find and post on yankee sites, id take my girl out before even typing the words "red sox blog" in my google box.

  24. It's not a hand it's a toe nail.

  25. yes you do, the 1st step is admitting it now go jump in front of a train.

  26. Hey, I have goats. They better not be mine.

  27. wtf is happening, did SIH just b/c a pub in boston?

  28. I have a .00000000000000000001 IQ

  29. What do Red Sox fans and sperm have in common?

    One in 3,000,000 has a chance of becoming a human being.

  30. Yeah where is Greg? It seems like I haven't talked to him in years.

  31. Three baseball fans leave the stadium after a game and come across a dead, naked man with breasts lying in the middle of the street. After they call the cops, they each take off their baseball caps and place them on the dead man out of respect and to cover his private parts until the cops arrive.
    The first fan places his Yankees cap over his left breast, the second places his Phillies cap on his right breast and the third fan places his Boston Red Sox cap on his pubic area.
    The cops finally arrive, and the officers take statements from the fans to find out what happened. After explaining that they found his naked and covered him up with their caps, the cop went over to examine the body. He briefly lifted the Yankee cap, and quickly replaced it; then he lifted the Phillies cap, and also quickly replaced it.
    However, when he lifted the Boston Red Sox cap, he stared and stared for what seemed to be two or three minutes. Finally, he let the cap drop, walked away, wrote in his notebook, then returned and lifted the Red Sox cap once again and stared for a long time.
    As he was walking away the second time, the fans were curious and stopped him and asked him why he spent so much time looking at the man's genitalia, and he said, "It's the first time I've seen anything but an asshole under a Red Sox cap.

  32. Holy cow, I leave for 20 minutes and all hell breaks loose.

  33. we're trying to lighten it up with sox jokes as u can tell

  34. this new xmen origins movie is pretty frackin' good.

  35. west coast trips suck ted kennedy's balls.

  36. That's mean to Peter, he's a great blogger and writer.

  37. Anon, it's a joke. By no means am I trying to insult PeteAbe with that video. Maybe the It is high people were, but I just think it's funny. Pete's blog is one of my favorites.

  38. haha you said Peter.

  39. Nothin much Greg. On Thursday night I had a LOT of homework and yesterday I had a game under the lights! I struck out 2 times and grounded out to first. Not a good day for me. I have a game tomorrow so I hope that I can have a good day.

  40. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  41. Petes in the hizzy! got a new job that be given me mo fizzy. fo'shizzle.

  42. Oh ya. My doctor said that i'm doing so well that I can pitch in a few weeks. (Only like an inning or two).

    My mom has to do some work to do so I have to go. Hopefully i'm awake for tonights game.

    Later everyone but Jack.

  43. lol, yes Peter is certainly moving up the ranks with his move, and yes that should mean more money. Good for him.
