Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Quiet Excellence of Chad Gaudin

Let's try and think back to July 31st if we can. The day of the trade deadline and the hysteria that accompanies it. The Yankees had a lead over the Sox but not a big one and they were looking for a fifth starter. Nobody really had any faith in Sergio Mitre (which has turned out to be justified) and Boston swung a big deal for Victor Martinez. The trade deadline slipped by and all the Yankees had to show for it was Jerry Hairston Jr. Cashman was talking about deals to be had on the waiver wire but nobody was really listening.

Well, a few days later the Yankees got their fifth starter. On August 6th, Cashman made his move and got Chad Gaudin from the Padres for a player to be named later. The deal was met with both eye rolling and excitement from Yankees fans. Some pointed to his ERA north of 5.00 while pitching in PETCO Park during half his games while others fell in love with his sub 4.00 FIP. Right now, it looks like the latter group was more on target.

Gaudin has quietly slid very well into his role with the Yankees. While pitching for the Bomber his ERA is 3.68 in 29 and 1/3 innings. Its another small trade in which Cashman didn't give up much and got a lot back. He's pitching well enough that he should make the postseason roster and could even get some big outs for the Yanks in October. If you want to get really crazy you may even need to consider putting Joba in the bullpen and making Gaudin the #4 guy in the playoffs if Joba struggles down the stretch and Gaudin keeps this up.

Just food for thought as this guy continues to give the Yankees quality starts.

Kudos to anonymous for giving me the idea for this post in his comment on Greg's post about Pettitte.


  1. anonymous blatantly stole my idea! damn you anonymous! jk.

  2. I think Gaudin is making it very hard on the Yankees. If his last 2 or 3 starts are productive ones and Joba is still struggling I think its a no brainer hes the number 4. Aceves and Mitre are not options. Simply put Mitre sucks and Aceves hasnt been stretched out 4 innings a few times this season. Gaudin has the numbers and can go 6.

  3. cant hughes start?

  4. Gaudin has done quite well and certainly brought the stability that Mitre could not.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Just looked at some stats.

    I think the Yankees best course of action would be letting Joba start against the Tigers, then letting Gaudin get the start against the Red Sox.

    Joba's much better against the Tigers then the Sox(Jobas numbers against the Sox are quick summed below). Joba has owned the Tigers. their combined avg is .164, obp is a messily .268 and their ops is .563. Hes struck out every hitter in the line up at least once, minus Polanco and not one player on the roster has his number.

    The current red sox roster has a combined average of .230 against Gaudin, their combined OBP is .317 and their combined ops is unimpressive at .639. They have no homers and only 11 rbi against him. The only downfall is Jason Varipus has owned Gaudin to the tune of a .571avg and a ops near 1.5.

    Joba has not had success against the Sox other then 1 brilliant start and every Red Sox hitter has decent productive numbers against him. Their combined average is .288 with a obp at .397 and their ops is much higher at .863. Hes given up a fair amount of runs and hits to them, certainly more then Gaudin.

  7. if you thnk Gaudin is the number 4, kill urself.

  8. durden thats the dumbest thing i ever read
