Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thursday Off Day Open Thread

Well to start you off on this open thread here's some more B.S. from ESPN, and particularly the fat has been known as John Kruk. I'll leave you with this line from the article and you can decide if you want to read it or not: "Which of the teams likely headed to the playoffs have the most to figure out in the next two weeks? All of them except the Boston Red Sox."


Later in the article he has this gem: "Boston is really the only team heading into the postseason that you can look at and say, 'This team is ready for the playoffs.'Aside from the middle relief, which hasn't been too good, Jon Lester is pitching well and Daisuke Matsuzaka has looked good. The Sox look to me to be the one, of all the teams likely headed to the postseason, that is the most dolled up and ready to play in the playoffs."

I guess middle relief isn't important in the playoffs, but what do I know. Instead of reading Kruk's drivel, I suggest going over to Bronx Baseball Daily and checking out Brian Burkhart's summary of the "article". (hat-tip to RAB for both links.)


Surprisingly, Peter Gammons has a much more objective view on the upcoming Yankees-Sox series and why it's an important weekend for both teams. I guess that's why he's in the Hall of Fame and Kruk isn't.

I thought you might be interested to learn that Kelvin De Leon was named the no. 2 prospect in the Gulf Coast League by Baseaball America.


Also, the folks over at wanted me to inform you about their The Yankees Roll Call Show podcast that you can listen to by clicking the link.

Meanwhile, I'll be around tonight updating the score of the Red Sox-Royals game over in KC, hopefully KC can take the series and shrink the Yankees' magic number to four.


  1. What planet is Kruk on?

  2. What did Kruk say that you disagree with, exactly? He said other than middle relief the sox are rolling then Greg takes issue with the Sox middle relief (sort of). This series this weeekend means nothing for either team, other than if someone important gets hurt.

  3. Kruk is like Joe Morgan. Former baseball player who don't know their facts after they retire. To say the red sox has no issues is mind boggling. If you ask Terry Fran I'd bet he would say that is untrue. They have Paul Byrd in their rotation lol.

  4. I don't understand how someone says the Sox have no problems. Then later says they have a problem but make light of it. Also, the Sox are in no better position than any other team. All teams have flaws and at least five teams (Yankees, Sox, Phillies, Cards, Angels) have just as good of a shot at winning the ring as the other four. This idea that the Red Sox are somehow superior to any other playoff team is baseless.

  5. Paul Byrd is not in their postseason rotation. THis is an article about being ready for the playoffs. Sox are using 6 starters the last few weeks to rest Beckett, Lester and Bucholtz. If you think Byrd is a weakness for the Sox in Oct., you are not paying attention.

  6. The Sox have plenty of problems. With the exception of Youkilis and Pedroia, there is not one consistent hitter on that roster. Also, I understand Beckett-Lester duo is very good, however, Bucholz has barely pitched in the postseason and Dice-K has been hurt for the past 3 months before just making his first return start. Best team? Yeah, my ass.

  7. here's a solution to this problem.
    BBTN should tape Kruk's mouth shut during broadcast. or better yet, give him a big bowl of cereal and watch him go to town. like a cat with a yarnball.

  8. Just one more reason to watch the MLB Network...

  9. I dont watch either really that much. I use for my news. and blogs like this to get the good news out.

  10. Boston leads 1-0 after 2 and a half.

  11. Roidtiz homers in the 4th to make it 2-0 Sox.

  12. Any thoughts from the crew on Joba starting ahead of CC tomorrow night. Is there a danger we are handing an early advantage to the Sox or does it really matter anyway? I

  13. "With the exception of Youkilis and Pedroia, there is not one consistent hitter on that roster."

    Bay? Martinez? Drew? Lowell? Ortiz (leads MLB in RBI since June 1)?

    Yankees are the better offensive team, but the ???s are CC and Burnett in Oct. If they fail the Yanks are even a bigger joke than normal

  14. Make it 3-0 on an error by Betancourt. This one is probably over, at least the Royals got the split.

    By the way, looks like Buck Martinez jumped on the Sox bandwagon too.

  15. No starting Joba against the Sox tomorrow isn't a big deal. The only reason it bothers me is because I'm going to be there.

  16. Eric don't you have anything better to do than come on a Yankees blog? Did SOSH go out of business or something?

  17. Good enough reason for me, Greg. I've been four times this year and Andy Pettitte has pitched every game!

  18. Eric, please shut up and never return you stupid sox fan. Although, we need some sox @$$ kissers on this blog besides Kruk and ESPN.
