Saturday, September 19, 2009

Time for Joba and A.J. to Start Picking it Up

I know I haven't been around lately and I apologize, I've had computer problems and haven't had time to get to the library computer. Now things should be fixed though.

Throughout this year, the biggest two headaches for the Yankees have been their two big power pitchers. Both came into the year facing big expectation and both have been relatively dissapointing. However, the duo has had some streaks were they have been unhittable for weeks at a time. Right now, they're coming out of a serious low point. I don't need to pull out the stats to prove to you that they've been incredibly inconsistent this year. Since August, the two have been simply terrible. However, now that we're nearing the postseason the two Yankee flamethrowers are starting to kick it back into high gear.

Burnett was fantastic last night, the ending of the game notwithstanding, and has quietly been pretty solid for three starts straight now. Two starts ago, September seventh against the Rays, he was once again great. He gave up one run through six, walking three and K'ing eight. The start in between on the twelfth looks pretty bad at first glance. However, let's not forget the fact that he gave up all of those runs in one sloppy inning, in which he got NO help from the Yankees defense. After giving up six in the second inning he decided that was all that Baltimore would get, he ended up going seven innings. Far be it for me to defend A.J. Burnett. However, he's been pretty decent for three straight starts now.

Let's also not underestimate the importance that Joba Chamberlain will play this October. Its been a while but let's not forget the pitcher that we saw right after the All Star Break. When he's going through one of his hot streaks, he's as good as anybody the Yankees have. Certainly better than any #4 that any other team in baseball can throw out there. Granted, we haven't seen to much of that guy this year and his 5.56 tRA is pretty ugly right now. However, if he finishes the year on a high note then the Yankees have a powerful weapon. His last time out was his first good start in a while. Through his four innings he gave up one run, no walks, and struck out two. All in all, a very nice job by Joba. It will be interesting to see if he can build on this for his next start.

Right now the Yankees rotation doesn't really look all that great. Pettitte is facing injury troubles, Burnett has been maddeningly inconsistent, and Joba sports some pretty terrible season stats. Only C.C. Sabathia really would scare if I were the Tigers, Angels, Red Sox, or Twins. All of those teams have a #1 guy that can go head to head with Sabathia on a good day though and in the playoffs, anything can happen. Granted, the Yankees strike a lot of guys out but they also give up walks and home runs. Joba and Burnett need to get this stuff figured out by the time the calendar changes to October and we need to start seeing them putting together some solid starts right now. Otherwise, it could be another one and done year for the Yankees.


  1. This rotation sucks. What a waste of money by bringing A.J here. Joba is one of the worst pitchers in baseball. Right now, the Mets are a better team then the Yankees.

  2. whats with all the pessimism?

  3. I'm not worried about Joba, I'm worried about what the organization has done to Joba. Pitchers need consistency and the Yanks pulled that from under him in July just when he had found his sync. As for Burnett, this is another example of any other pitching coach having the knowledge and experience to help a guy work out of his troubles, instead Dave Eiland just kinda sits there.
    The Yankees have too much talent on that bench to be one and done and I have a lot of faith. Though I could see another one of those years and this time not because of the talent on the field, but because of who is sitting in the dugout and the decisions made upstairs.

  4. Burnett pitched very well last night a shame he got a no decision. For all the panic about Burnett and all the talk about how great Andy has pitched they basically have the same era and burnett has pitched 12 more innings.

    Joba is the 4th starter I'll take my chances on Joba over any other playoff teams 4th starter.

    The yanks have the best record in baseball with these starters I dont know why people are so concerned.

  5. They've both taken recent steps in the right direction. Burnett looked good yesterday and Joba has been going over his last 6.2 innings pitched. The thing they both need is a little consistency.

    By the way, welcome back Mike!
