After beating the Tigers 6-5 in 12 innings at the Metrodome, the Twins will be heading to the Bronx to take the Yankees. That was some ballgame... Wow. Big hits, some great defensive plays, some terrible defensive plays, play at the plate, and comebacks from both teams all led to an instant classic in Minnesota. These are the types of games that make this sport as great as it is.
Now let's end their season and close that stupid dome.
Here's the schedule of events for tomorrow's game 1 via Chad Jennings. Some things of note: Gates open at 3:00 p.m., BP starts at 3:10 p.m., baseline intros start at 5:42 p.m., and first pitch is set for 6:07 p.m.
I'll have a full preview of the series tomorrow, but I'll say this now: The Twins deserve a lot of credit coming back to win the Central like they did, but the Yankees have no excuse not to beat this team.