Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Youkilis Overtakes Swish In ASG Final Vote

After taking the early lead yesterday, Nick Swisher has dropped to second in the voting behind Boston's Kevin Youkilis.

Also, it seems the Reds and Red Sox have struck a deal to get both Youkilis and Joey Votto voted in:
In an attempt to get All-Star votes for first baseman Kevin Youkilis, the Red Sox struck an agreement with the Reds to encourage both teams’ fans to vote for Youklis and Reds first baseman Joey Votto. Youkilis grew up in Cincinnati and was a two-time All-American at the University of Cincinnati.

Mark Sheldon at MLB.com reports that the Reds will wear T-shirts during batting practice Wednesday at New York’s Citi Field that read: “Vote Votto-Youkilis.”

“We told the Red Sox that if you do this for us, we’ll let you have a full month to think that you won the 1975 World Series in six games,” joked Reds assistant director of media relations Jamie Ramsey.

This is unacceptable. Go vote people.
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