Friday, August 13, 2010

While We Sit Through This Rain Delay How About Another Pettitte Update

From Bryan Hoch:

Pettitte is scheduled to meet the Yankees in Kansas City on Saturday, where he will be evaluated and rest for an extra couple of days. Pettitte had been hoping to pitch in a Minor League rehab game on Monday or Tuesday, but that will be pushed back.

"Part of it could be that he feels a little something and is afraid to let it go," Girardi said. said. "I think he did the right thing by not trying to push it. If he needs more time, then he needs more time."

At the time of Pettitte's injury, the Yankees had estimated that Pettitte would return in four to five weeks, which Pettitte had dismissed at the time as overly conservative. But with Friday's setback, that original time frame may prove accurate.

"He's frustrated, but would you expect Andy any other way?" Girardi said.
Clearly the Yankees are doing the right thing here by waiting this out until Pettitte feels he can go at full strength. The absolute worst thing that could happen is he comes back early, hurts himself again, and misses the stretch run, or even worse, the playoffs.
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