Saturday, October 9, 2010

Going to the game tonight? Don't drive.

If you are going to drive, things just got a litte more expensive for you:
Welcome back to the playoffs, Yankees fans - and make sure you bring some extra cash for parking.

Pinstriped boosters were outraged by word that Yankee Stadium garages will jack up prices from $23 to $40 starting with Saturday night's game against the Twins.

"It's really crap," die-hard Thomas Parker, 52, of Queens, griped about the 74% increase from regular season costs.


The just-boosted prices are likely a warm-up for next season, when parking fees are expected to rise sharply.

There is a cheaper option: the six-level garage at the nearby Gateway Center Mall is offering $30 parking for fans willing to make the five-block walk to the ballpark.

During the regular season, the price was as low as $10 and the garage's 2,600 spaces were about two-thirds filled by fans.
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