Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A New Tradition - All Questions Answered

The growth and maturation of Sliding Into Home over the past years or so has been staggering. Traffic has gradually grown (Thank you!), a greater breadth of topics have been tackled, breaking news time frames have been more competitive, and users have become more and more engaged with the authors. The latter is the most important trend of all - interacting with those frequenting this blog provides us with terrific insight into what everyone is looking for, and how we can better serve our community. With that in mind, I would like to offer something that many of my favorite blogs offer - an all questions answered thread, or a mailbag (as RAB refers to it).

While the premise is mostly self-explanatory, I'll go into a bit of detail. Anyone can ask any number of questions, about almost any Major League Baseball topic, and I shall answer said questions to the best of my ability - please be civil, that's all I ask. This will allow me to tackle those issues that are simmering on the hot stove without having to post dozens of shorter tidbits. Essentially, myself and the SIH community will be collaborating on a mega-post.

Questions may be posted in the comments section or e-mailed to myself ( or Greg ( I do not have an ideal number to shoot for, but I am hopeful that this will generate a fair amount of feedback. Look for the post sometime on Sunday.

Ask away!
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