Saturday, July 9, 2011

3,000! (Now with Video)

"... Well Suzyn, you just can't predict baseball..."

There it goes!

Derek Jeter has become the first Yankee to join the 3,000 hit club, and he did it, on of all things, a home run to leftfield.

To serenades of "De-rek Je-ter" from the 48,000+ in the Bronx, The Captain golfed a 3-2 David Price offering deep into the seats in left for his historic 3,000th hit. He becomes only the 2nd player in MLB history to enter the 3000 hit club on a homer. The other was former Yankee, Wade Boggs.

As you might expect, the crowd went crazy as Jeter triumphantly rounded the bases and was greeted by his teammates at home plate. Just another one of those great moments that only Yankee Stadium (old and new), can deliver.

(Classy move by Johnny Damon for getting his team out of the dugout to give Jeter a standing ovation.)

#2) The hit was his 2nd of the game, came in his 2nd at bat, he's the 2nd player to do it on a homer, and it also left the yard at exactly 2PM.

Update: Here's some video (hat-tip to Sports Grid):

Alright, now go win a ballgame.
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