Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Ticket Price Increase Hits Creatures Hard

From Flip Bondy:
Many Bleacher Creatures are now being asked to shell out as much as $1620 for a full season ticket plan next season, up from $15 to $20 per game, and are beginning to wonder how much longer they can afford to populate Section 203.

“People are groaning about going from $972 to $1620 (for the full 81-game plan) just because Nick Swisher waves at us,” said Mike Donahue, a long-time Creature. “As the economy gets worse, the deforestation begins.”


Many Creatures already were dismayed this season to discover that half-season ticket plans only entitled them to purchase tickets to half the playoff games.
Not only will the Creatures face this price increase, but they'll do it while prices for 70% of the other seats in the stadium stay the same. Wow, what a joke. It's like the morons in the GOP are running this team.

Yet another example of big business raping the little guy. Sadly, in this case, that evil big business happens to be our favorite baseball team.
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