Brian Cashman was interviewed by ESPN 1050 New York's Andrew Marchand, he spoke about the team's payroll, as well as his future with the team. Here is what he had to say: "We are high, if I could get our payroll lower [I would]. It is not going to happen -- not this year. But we have, at the end of the year, a lot of numbers coming off. The combination of building our farm stystem and getting our salary lines back to where they probably need to be. That's a process, too, and that takes some time. I'm not particularly proud that we have the highest payroll in the game.
"I just don't think you are going to get the type of bang for your buck at the type of dollars that you are paying."
When he was asked about his future with the Yankees this is what he had to say, "I don't think anyone is promised tomorrow. It is something I don't really think about it. All I really care about, every day that I have had this job, is doing the best job I can while I've got it because I've had the fortunate side of having the rare opportunity of being one of 30 GMs in the game. While I do it, I'm going to do everything in my power to do the right way."
When asked by The Daily News about the decision to not trade for Johan Santana he said "We're just looking to put together the best team we possibly can, period - for the short and long term, it's as simple as that. I'm certainly not going to get in a debate with (Hank) about Santana. Let's leave it at that."
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