Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Joba Had Argument With A Sox Fan Before Arrest

This story gets better and better.

From the Daily News:
Yankees star Joba Chamberlain downed vodka-and-sodas and caroused at a Nebraska strip club (photo) in the hours before he was busted for drunken driving, the Daily News has learned.
The 23-year-old pitcher went drinking at a bar in downtown Lincoln and then capped off his Friday night at a local jiggle joint, where he got into a tiff with another customer over the rival Red Sox, witnesses said.

Chamberlain was heckled as he and friends watched the dancers at the Night Before Lounge, witnesses said.

"Some guy yelled out, 'If you played for the Red Sox, you wouldn't be sitting here,'" clubgoer Gary (Bo) Bohaty said.

"That got a rise out of him," said Bohaty, owner of the Beacon Lounge, a bar next to the strip club. "[Joba] turned his head and said, 'What did you say?' and the guy yelled it out again."

As Chamberlain kept shouting back, one of the pitcher's friends got into a shoving match with the heckler, said the club's manager, who asked not to be identified.

Once order was restored, Chamberlain and his five friends stared at the gyrating dancers for nearly 90 minutes before leaving just after midnight. Chamberlain paid the $145 tab and left a $100 tip at the club, where the cover charge is $3, the manager said.

Kat, a regular dancer at the joint, said she didn't even know there was a Yankee in her midst and took no notice of the beef.

"I don't pay attention to altercations - unless I start them," said the blond, who took the stage last night in striped prison garb that she seductively shed.

Earlier in the evening, Chamberlain had two drinks with Grey Goose vodka at Dillinger's bar in downtown Lincoln, the pub's owner said.

Great quote from the stripper.

Anyway, this should be a good lesson to Joba. When you become a big star, you can't put yourself in bad spots because everything will become public.

I also think it's funny how the Yankees-Red Sox rivalry found its way into this story. You think Joba might have been driving a little too aggressively because he was angry about the altercation?


  1. Considering the problems with alcohol that Joba's mother had, I hope he learned something from this.

    Unfortunately, alcoholism has been a problem on reservations with the Native-American population.

    Joba should use this as an opportunity to use his stardom and the resources of the NY Yankees to make a difference.

  2. Let's add one more "ring" to the "circus" that we know as Joba. From strict pitch count, to Joba Rule, to bullpen, to starter, we're in for a real Big Top treat, yesireee.

    Get me a bag of peanuts, will 'ya? When do we get to see the elephant?


  3. Isn't it his father that's native american? And he's not the alcoholic.

  4. Allow me to clarify:

    What I was trying to say is that since the alcoholism problem is common on the reservations, seeing the troubles that his mother had should send a signal to him.

    You are correct that Harlan is a native-American and his mother is not.

    The point is that he has someone in the family with the problem and he grew up in a culture with the same problem.

    Any better?

  5. STUPID if you ask me!

  6. Mike I understood what you meant from the start. I don't know about the anonymous poster, though. They might have been confused.

  7. Joba went to a strip club?
    Don't tell me, he picked it up from A-Rod. Right?

  8. I just hope he doesn't pull a Brian Taylor and punch someone and break his pitching hand. Other than that all I have to say is good going with the 86' Mets bullpen revival and the Orasco/Santana impersonation there...

  9. "And now for your entertainment, in the center ring, we have Joba The Husker and His Amazing Straight Hat Brim!" (cue circus music here)


  10. Brian Taylor wasn't really a troubled person, he just got into a fight one night and destroyed his arm. One stupid mistake can kill you.

    That's why we should be relieved that Joba didn't hurt himself or anyone else. He's shown that he's a mature kid, so he should be able to learn from this.


    "Joba The Husker and His Amazing Straight Hat Brim!"

