Thursday, July 2, 2009

Bruney: It Doesn't Matter if I Pitch the 8th

From Mike Puma:
Brian Bruney isn't launching a campaign to keep his eighth-inning job.

The inconsistent Yankee reliever yesterday stopped short of saying he'd welcome a new role, but also made it known he wouldn't lose sleep if manager Joe Girardi were to make Phil Hughes the team's primary eighth-inning option.

"Hughes is throwing extremely well," Bruney told The Post before the Yankees defeated Seattle, 4-2, at the Stadium. "But the rest of our bullpen is [also] throwing extremely well. If they want to throw anybody in the eighth inning, it's fine. I don't care. I'm not here to be the eighth-inning guy and worry about that."
"I can sit here and be 100-percent honest and say I don't care what inning I pitch," Bruney said. "It does not matter to me.

"[Rivera] is throwing the ninth inning -- we know that. Anything else does not concern me."
I don't know if it's Girardi or just the culture of being a Yankee nowadays, but these guys sure really are embracing the team concept.

As for Bruney, I always though he was a little cocky, but in a way a reliever should be, and based on that I didn't think he would handle this situation too well. I remember how much he didn't like Joe Torre because he felt that Torre didn't trust him. Anyway, I'm glad he proved me wrong. And while I'm sure deep down he wants that role, he wouldn't be human if he didn't, but at least he's saying all the right things. That alone makes it easier for Girardi to make whatever decision he thinks is best for the team.


  1. Bruney is one of the best pitchers in that bullpen and will see a lot of eighth innings through the rest of the year. I like him and Hughes sharing that spot and staying fresh. Bullpen is shaping into a very good unit in my opinion. Coke and Aceves sharing the 6th/7th can be scary for other teams.


  2. don't worry -cashman will find some way to undermine it soon enough

  3. Does it really matter if Hughes pitched the 7th and Bruney pitches the 8th. Bottom line is you have to get the hitters out. You could lose the game in the 7th or 8th.

    I like Bruney he seems to have a hard time getting his command since he came off the dl the velocity is still there. Hopefully its just rust because if Bruney gets going the bullpen will be one of the best in baseball.

  4. I was reading Maddon column and he basically said if Hughes doesn't pitch the 8th he should be sent down to minors. That is the dumbest thing I have heard. Why would you send down someone who has a 1.50 era in the pen to the minors. Hughes is pitching in meaningful innings. Maddon made it seem Hughes is being used like Brett Tomko. I'm sure Bruney and Hughes will both see 8th inning work.

    Also he was making a big deal that Hughes was warming up and did not come into the game. Well that makes him a full fledge reliever. Relievers warm up and dont come into the game all the time. God Maddon is a moron.
