Joba Chamberlain may have thought his disastrous outing on Sunday was the result of one or two bad pitches, but Joe Girardi believes it was much more than that."One or two bad pitches doesn't usually lead to seven runs unless there are some errors or funny things that happen," Girardi said Monday. "That was not the game he's capable of pitching."
Despite his endorsement of Chamberlain as the No. 4 starter in the postseason on Sunday, Girardi made it clear that nothing is set in stone.
"Everyone has a chance to show us as we move forward," Girardi said. "These last two weeks are very important for some spots. We need him to pitch well. He's important to our success, so it's time for him to step it up."
"What he tells you and what he says to us might be two different things," Girardi said. "But there's no doubt about it; Joba needs to pitch better."
Well, he may not know how to manage during a stretch run, but he's 100% correct about Joba.
Also in the article was this intriguing quote regarding Chad Gaudin:
Also in the article was this intriguing quote regarding Chad Gaudin:
"He's obviously in the mix or he wouldn't be starting for us," Girardi said. "We went out and got Chad because we felt he could help us down the stretch and in the postseason."
It's quite shocking, but with each start Chad Gaudin is showing that he probably deserves that fourth spot in the playoff rotation. And no, a few weeks ago I never thought I'd type that. Like Girardi said, "these last two weeks are very important for some spots." It's time for Joba to show us, and the Yankees, just what he's made of. Does he have the moxie to put all the nonsense aside and just go out and pitch, or is he still just a kid who doesn't get it yet? Only time will tell.
This is the acid test for Gaudin tonight and, without wishing to sound too pessimistic, I'll be surprised if he passes it. I think the best we can hope for against this power-packed batting lineup is three or four runs conceded in four or five innings. Considering he didn't use the "A" relievers last night, I hope that Girardi allows him only a short leash. If he gets in trouble early, then I expect to see Aceves come into the game. If they want to be confident of securing the division and home-field advantage throughout the playoffs, the Yanks really must win one of the next two games. If we don't, it's going to be an anxious end to the regular season.
ReplyDeleteJoba's keys to success are:
ReplyDelete1. re-establishing his 95mph+ fastball.
2. Mix in more damn curves, start guys off with a curve, he always uses the damn FB.
3. Challenge the hitters, don't be afraid to go at them, 1/2 pitch outs are just as good as strike-outs.
4. He needs to listen to Molina and Jorge, he can't call his own game yet, he doesn't have the experience to do so.
Joba keys to succuess is fixing his mechanics. That is why at times his velocity is down and he is not locating. Joba problem has been mechanics. Girardi said they got rid of the hitch right after the allstar break which is why he pitched those 3 great games.
ReplyDeleteI think Gaudin would be a nice 1 inning reliever, he is a strikeout pitcher. He had a 5.10 era in the nl west. But he has done a nice job for us and is only 26.
If Gaudin pitches 7 strong innings tonight and gets the win against the angels. Then you would realistically consider him starting in the playoffs. If not I still would give Joba the start ar the 4th starter and keep him on a short leash and have Gaudin back him up.