Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Has Joba ran out of gas?

It's easy to blame the Joba Rules for Joba's struggles lately, but one scout told Andrew Marchand of 1050 ESPN Radio that Joba might just be out of gas.
This scout believes in what the Yankees are doing in trying to limit Joba's innings. It makes sense to him to cut down on Joba's innings when you look at how his innings are about to go from 100 last year to north of 150 this year. Add in the shoulder problems Joba had last year and it is all sound resaoning to this scout.

But the scout does not think this is simply a before and after. ...

The scout says that Joba has not developed his change-up so he, in effect, becomes a two-pitch pitcher, like A.J. Burnett. Major league hitters are then able to guess with a 50-50 shot - and punish Joba.
So I guess the scout believes it's a combination of running out of gas, and becoming a two-pitch pitcher. I wonder what that scout thinks of Joba's curveball, but he's only thrown 16 in his last three starts, so maybe relying on just the slider and fastball is part of the problem. Either way, I'm done making excuses for the kid, he needs to start pitching better, as Jeter says, that's the bottom line.

What do you guys think, is it the rules, running out of gas, or not throwing enough curves and changeups that's hurt Joba the most?


  1. Joba is an incredibly predictable pitcher. He falls in love with slider constantly and rarely seems to try to blow people away when he gets 2 strikes on them. He throws slider after slider until he walks a guy or is forced to throw the heat.

    I believe that half of Joba's problem is that he isn't a smart pitcher.

  2. Could it be Joba left his arm in Texas? 91mph is not going to scare any major league hitter.

  3. I've been saying he's gassed for the past couple of weeks. I don't understand why the Yankees are continuing to push him. I would take him out of the rotation altogether right now, rest him for 1 week, then give him a couple of 1-inning relief auditions. If he can't hack it, call it a year and we try again next season. That may sound extreme, but here's my question-- as of right now, who wants to see Joba either starting a postseason game or coming into a relief situation?
    Answer-- the opposition.

    And ps, just to throw it out there-- All along, I have been strongly in the "Joba the reliever" camp. I still think he will make a great setup/closer. That said he needs one and maybe 2 full seasons as a starter to see if he has enough weapons to cut it as a starter. As a Yankees fan, I want whatever is successful. But in the end, I think relief is still his ultimate destination.

  4. I am getting tired of this Joba routine. The way he mixes his pitches is bad and his attitude is bad. If Felix Hernandez is on the market in the offseason, I'd offer Joba, A-Jax, Romine, and McAllistar and see if they go for it.

  5. Joba hasn't matured enough as a pitcher. He has his go to pitches and is too predictable. That style of pitching produces results in the bullpen, but not as a starter. Until he can expand his arsenal and get to a point where he feels comfortable with 3-4 pitches, he'll continue to struggle.

  6. Good points, Jeff.

    Although I must say he's run out of everything, not just gas....


  7. More like Joba mechanics is messed up which is why he is struggling. Girardi and Eiland both admitted he has a hitch and have other mechanically issues that they are trying to fix.
