Saturday, March 1, 2008

Shelley Discusses His Big Day

Quotes from and Peter Abraham:

“In spring training most of the time, especially at the start, you don’t ever worry about the results. You worry about the process,” he said. “You want to get to the point where you’re comfortable and consistent every time."

"You don't make too much of it," Duncan said. "In the spring, you're going to have those feelings where you're locked in and it goes away real quick. I really think consistency is a big part. It's one thing you have to work on mentally, trying to repeat good at-bats and good swings."

"I'm trying to get to the point where I can be the player I know I can be," Duncan said. "I feel everything will play itself out from there. There's no reason to force it. I know what I'm capable of if I get to that level."
Shelley said he stayed away from his patented forearm smash because "there's too many people in the dugout, I'd get too tired."


Wavecritter said...

Duncan has it right with this "I really think consistency is a big part." Consistency is what makes a player go from good to GREAT! :)
Stephanie Haile