Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Jays Will Make Halladay Available... Do Yanks have a shot?

From Ken Rosenthal:
Let the Roy Halladay sweepstakes begin.

"We have to see what's out there," Blue Jays general manager J.P. Ricciardi says. "I'm not saying we're going to shop him. But if something makes sense, we at least have to listen. We're (leaning) more toward listening than we've ever been."

They're falling out of contention. They probably cannot afford to keep Halladay when they owe outfielders Vernon Wells and Alex Rios approximately $160 million combined from 2010 to '14. And they know that Halladay would prefer to pitch for a winner anyway when he becomes a free agent after next season.

Oh, and one other thing: The trade market is barren of quality starting pitchers, much less one who is a true difference-maker, one of the top five starters in the game.

The Jays' goal is obvious: To make the same type of deal that the Indians did when they traded right-hander Bartolo Colon in 2002, acquiring outfielder Grady Sizemore, left-hander Cliff Lee and second baseman Brandon Phillips.

Money is tighter now. Prospects are considered gold. But this is not three months of CC Sabathia we're talking about. This is Halladay for the rest of the season and all of 2010, at salaries of $14.25 million (pro-rated) and $15.75 million.

Rosenthal also mentions that Halladay has a full no-trade clause, and that it seems that playing for a contender would be important to him.

As for the Yanks here whats Rosenthal says about their chances to land Halladay:
The Jays will not hesitate to dangle Halladay to the Yankees and Red Sox, who will be perhaps their two most fervent suitors. A's GM Billy Beane never rules out trading within his division. Ricciardi, Beane's former assistant, probably would not, either.

The Yankees invested a combined $243.5 million on Sabathia and A.J. Burnett last offseason, and Halladay might be better than both of them. Right-hander Phil Hughes could top the team's package, and one GM who recently examined the Yankees' system says, "There are more intriguing guys down low than I anticipated."

Among them: Catchers Jesus Montero, 19 and Austin Romine, 20.

Rosenthal mentions the Red Sox, White Sox, Phillies, Dodgers, Rangers, Cubs, Mets, Brewers, and Braves as other possible suitors.

I love the Yanks to get Halladay, a 1-2-3 of Halladay, Sabathia, and Burnett is as good as it gets. But I don't see the Yankees trading away everything they have in the farm to land him. Do they trade Hughes? What about Austin Jackson and Jesus Montero? Will Ricciardi ask for all three? The Yanks need to be smart and see what the trade market is and plan accordingly.

Even if the they don't trade for him, as long as the Sox don't get him it's a win-win for the Yanks just to get him out of the division.

OK, you're Brian Cashman, what would you be willing to give up to get Halladay?


Anonymous said...

jackson, igawa, montero

Scotty B said...

I wonder if Halladay is hurt. I mean they were stead fast that they weren't going to trade him before his injury. Now a month later and they are willing to deal. I know the team has tanked a little since then, but I just question if they are maybe trying to trade him now cause he's damaged goods.

Scott_in_Sacramento said...

Wang, Barroa, Girardi, Kevin Long, Dave Eiland, Lonn Trost, and the strength and conditioning coach.

Greg Cohen said...

Interesting point, Scott, that's certainly a possibility.

Wow, Anon, you'd be willing to give up both?

Scott, It may take more than that lol.

Scott_in_Sacramento said...


You didn't say that it would have to be something or someone that the Jays would actually want.

Greg Cohen said...

lol good point.

Anonymous said...

I wouldnt trade away Hughes or Montero, too much upside to give up that early in their career. That being said, if Roy can be had for a bigger package excluding Hughes and Montero I would do it. But you would have to give up most of the farm to do so:

Jackson, Romine, Ian Kennedy and Melancon. If this is not enough, I would throw in Pena or that other infielder they were talking about in spring training.

It is times like this that that the Tabatha trade really hurts. He would have been a great trading chip to dangle.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't give up any of our 2 big prospects (Ajax, Montero) or Hughes.

Sorry, I'd rather have a future. Halladay is 32 years old and will demand a lot of money after next season.

dan said...

I would definetly include one of the catchers Montero or Romine, especially if the Yanks plan on taking a run at Joe Mauer in a few years, if not we would still hae the other catcher and we just signed a 16 year old stud.. i dont want to trade Hughes or Jackson, but if one of those guys is keepig us from getting the best pitcher in baseball, i would have to give them up.i think Halladay wants to be a Yankee, especially because Burnett is here now... one question how old is Halladay? is he like 30 or 31.. just curious

dan said...

32, according to anon.. he's starting to get up there in age..

Anonymous said...

A-Jax may have great potential but I am certain the Yankees can find other five tool outfielders, there are more of those than ace pitchers. Romine has more potential to stay at catcher than Montero which could intrigue the Jays who already have guys like Lind and Snider who are big boppers but are not the greatest in the field. I am not totally against trading Hughes but if we could get Halladay for McAllister and Melancon instead, I would do it.

Anonymous said...

Hughes, Jackson, Romine, Melancon, Igawa, Pettitte.

Anonymous said...

anybody in the minor leagues, but not Hughes.

Anonymous said...

Give them CC for Halliday and agree to pay his wages for the next five years. Most shocking stat for me is that the Yanks are 8-9 (or is it 8-10 now?) in games Sabathia has started. Not exactly what you would expect from the $180-million man. He's no Halliday or Santana (yet, anyway).

Anonymous said...

lets first explore if the Yanks can pry away Josh Johnson from the Marlins, or any of the S.F. Giants pitchers like Cain or Lincecum before giving up stud young players for the older Halladay.

Emmanuel said...


Tiny Tim isn't leaving SF any time soon and the Marlins always want to rape the farm system in any trade.

Liam Gallagher said...

I trade Edwar Ramirez, Shelly Duncan, Juan Miranda, Romine, Igawa, and Tomko. Sorry if I spelled anything wrong.

CollinD said...

If I'm in Cashman's shoes, I throw everything I have at the Jays EXCEPT for Hughes.

The core of this team is too old. I think they should spend the extra money now and try to win while the window is still barely open for all the veterans (Jeter, Posada, ARod, Mo, Pettitte, Damon, Matsui... the list goes on).

Faiaz said...

Cmon' fellas, let's not get too greedy. We have the best team we have had since 2003, in my opinion(when everyone's healthy.) Not only that, we also have great team chemistry. This team untouched has enough to win it all this year. In no way am I comparing Colon to Doc but seriously... I'd rather have "Colon" or "Lee, Sizemore and Phillips." Same thing can be said down the line about Hughes, Jackson and Montero compared to Doc...although that might be at the end of Doc's career but still...let's not lose sight of the long-term plan which is to secure the blueprint of the teams for years to come. If it's meant to be then we'll get him when he's a free agent if he doesn't get signed to an extension for his new team.

Anonymous said...

Joba Chamberlain,Jesus Montero, Andrew Brackman, and Gene F*&^!n Monahan

Anonymous said...

As long as Boston doesn’t take him Yankees should not trade for him. We can keep our future prospects and signed him when he going to be a free agent. He will not sign a new long contract if it’s not one of the big teams in the league (Yankees, Red Sox, Dodgers, and Mets) with enormous money
See what happen to the Mets with Santana trade!!! I prefer to spend money on him then prospects.
Go Yanks!!!

Faiaz said...

*****Woops meant to say I'd rather have Lee, Sizemore and Phillips over Colon.*****

Anonymous said...

My left nut... and if the red sox get involved the right one too.

crossfire said...

Sterling and Waldman... straight up.

Anonymous said...

halladay and burnett get along famously, so bringing him in wouldn't hurt the chemistry.

i would trade anyone currently in the minors right now except for pena for halladay

Anonymous said...

I just read that the Rangers or Phillies might be interested in Wang. We might be able to get a pretty good package from one of them and use that to get Halladay along with one of our prospects. That might work.

daneptizl said...

lmao Liam... I don't know if you were serious, but they wouldn't take a whole bunch of crap + Romine for Halladay...

anon... anyone but pena?... I hope that's a joke as well.

Adeel said...

I agree with Scotty B's comment @11:12am also did you guys see the look on his face after he gave up one of those home runs? I doubt he wants to pitch at New Yankee Stadium on a regular basis and since he has a no trade clause... well forget it.

I say keep the young ones around a while and see what happens. I wouldn't mind if Ian Kennedy is traded.

Brian Danuff said...

Hey guys, I just got back from New Jersey! And I'm watching Michael Jackson's memorial right now.

Well, I would defenitely love the Yanks to get Halladay, and if I were Cash, I would send Igawa, Montero, and maybe one of the international players the Yanks signed. I would not give up Hughes, even if this is Halladay we're talking about.

But pitching is not the problem this year, or at least the starting 5. We are still only 1 game out despite Wang struggling and Andy having his bad starts at home.

I really would like the Yanks to get him, but in all likelyhood, he won't be heading to us, but rather a team that needs pitching.

Brian Danuff said...

Also, the reason why I would give up Montero is because we have so many other catchers in our farm system that are reportedly just as good.

daneptizl said...

No one has claimed that any of the other catchers are just as good as Montero. Montero is easily the best.

Anonymous said...

what? Michael Jackson is dead? He was a good relief pitcher for the Indians a few years ago. What a shame.

Brian Danuff said...

Oh, my bad. That guy Gary Sanchez the Yankees signed is pretty good I heard.

Brian Danuff said...

But ya, after I just thought about it, I wouldn't give up Montero. He is too good a catcher to trade.

daneptizl said...

Sanchez has great tools, but he's still behind Montero.

SteveB said...

Halladay is 32, has thrown 691 innings the past 3 seasons (116 right now)& he will be far too expensive.

Leave it alone. He won't go to an AL East team.

Mateo said...

Some of you people know nothing of our minor league system except the names you hear. If you would give up Montero (who's not going to stay at catcher but who could easily hit 40+ homers per season), Romane (who will stick at catcher if Cervelli doesn't), or A-Jax (the power isn't there so not a 5 tool guy, but still the future center fielder) for a 32 year old ace when we have two on an aging team, your insane. This team doesn't need Halladay. It does need young talented bats. If I was going to entertain the idea of Doc, it would start with a package centered around either Hughes or Joba. Personally, I'd be willing to deal Joba over Hughes. Halladay would fill Joba's slot so no real loss there. After Joba, I'd offer some lower level mid tier prospects to fill it out. If the Jays didn't bite, then I'd leave no real room for negotiations. Like I said, the Yanks don't HAVE to have another ace.

Noel said...

The yankees how i see it need to pull a rabbit out of there hat and go in and out toy with jays. Get as much as you can for less with santana they were desperate for pitching but know they say we could use it rathen then we really need it the yanks could make a package like kennedy,pena, igawa ,jakson he is good but were does he fit damon will be gone he will likely be replaced with bay if he does not resign with boston which he probably wont cause he will test the market and the yanks love the market so first is full with tex all the other positions are also full so deal him away with a cathing prospect in that deal not cervelli so you get igawa,kennedy,pena,jackson and a future catching star looks good from here