Friday, January 11, 2008

Selig Launches Dept. of Investigations

Major League Baseball's ongoing efforts to address the recommendations detailed in the Mitchell Report led to the creation of a new Department of Investigations, Commissioner Bud Selig announced Friday.

The Department of Investigations will have primary responsibility for conducting all investigations into violations of Major League Baseball's rules and policies, including investigations related to the use, possession or distribution of performance-enhancing substances by Major League or Minor League players, and other threats to the integrity of the game.

The Department will function independently of the MLB clubs and will have broad authority to conduct investigations. In addition, the Office of the Commissioner will form an information hotline, which will be operated by the Department of Investigations.

..."The Department of Investigations will have critically important responsibilities in protecting the integrity of our sport," Selig said. "Major League Baseball will continue to act on all of [former] Senator [George] Mitchell's recommendations as part of our continued efforts to prevent the illegal use of performance-enhancing substances."
Selig was asleep at the wheel during the mid to late 90's regarding PEDs, but at least he's trying to step up now. Will this Department of Investigations do anything to curb this problem? probably not, but like I said, at least he's trying. With this, MLB has implemented most of the Mitchell Reports recommendations that do not need consent from the players association.